Wednesday, January 16, 2008

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Mouth, pharynx

is a tube that begins in the mouth and spreads throughout the neck and trunk to complete a pelvic level in the rectum. The digestive system consists of:

  • mouth pharynx

  • esophagus stomach

  • intestine intestine

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muscle is a membranous organ that communicates with the larynx.
is situated in front of the bodies of the cervical vertebrae which are separated by the prevertebral muscles. Above is open to the nostrils and oral cavity, neck, anterior wall is also the posterior wall of the larynx. In the upper portion of the pharynx is situated in Waldeyer's lymphatic ring. As part of the pharyngeal wall are arranged constrictor muscles.
In the nasopharynx leads the eustachian tube that connects the pharynx to the tympanic cavity.

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is the first portion the digestive system. Horseshoe-shaped open back.
Inside the mouth there are two main parts: the oral vestibule (space between the lips and cheeks) and the dental arches. The second portion is the oral cavity, its anterior limit is the dental arches and posterior limit is the oropharyngeal isthmus which lies behind the pharynx. The rear wall of the oral cavity is the palate, which forms the upper limit. The soft palate is mobile and highlights the uvula, the hub of two extensions (the pillars of the veil). Palates are located between the palatine tonsils.
Occupying most of the buccal space is the language. It provides the lingual papillae. The tongue is a muscular organ covered with mucosa in addition to taste function, involved in the formation of the bolus and its passage into the pharynx. In the rear of the tongue papillae are arranged in a V calciformes is the V lingual.
In the oral cavity and implanted into dental alveoli are located teeth. There are 32 teeth (16 in each jaw): 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 premolars and 6 molars.
Inside the mouth secretions drain into the salivary glands are:
sublingual gland:
secretion has several passages that drain directly to the floor of the mouth.
gland submaxillary:
The exhaust duct known as Wharton, drains through the oral mucosa, on both sides of the frenulum in the floor of the mouth.
parotid gland:
The exhaust duct is the tube that empties Stenon oral cavity near the second upper molar.

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is the tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach. On its way through 3 regions: cervical esophagus
Right in front of the vertebral bodies of the last cervical vertebrae
thoracic esophagus:
crosses the chest to reach the diaphragm
abdominal esophagus:
is a small portion passes through the diaphragm and ends leading to the stomach. In the terminal portion lies the cardia sphincter smooth muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach.

> picture taken from 04-03.0911520607/fss_get/image

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A stomach extends below the small intestine, separated from it by the pylorus to ileocecal valve, limit is separation from the large intestine. The small intestine is folded and occupies most of the abdominal cavity. This body consists of 2 parts:
1 st portion small intestine, continuing to the stomach. In his home is facing up and right and is called duodenal bulb, then the second portion of duodenum, describes an angle almost rest to go down, the third portion is directed upward and to the left to finish at the angle duodeno-jejunal. Jejunum-ileum
Last portion of the small intestine extending from the end of the duodenum at the duodenal-jejunal angle to the ileocecal valve that allows communication with the blind.

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esophagus stomach small intestine

dilated portion is a tube that continues into the esophagus. Provided in the upper abdomen in the epigastric region, in close relationship to the diaphragm muscle that covers the top and back, ahead relates to the liver and abdominal muscles and back, with the abdominal aorta, the inferior vena cava and the pancreas.
esophagus is separated from the cardia and the duodenum by the follicle. The stomach
distinguish 2 sides, 2 borders [right (concave), left (convex)] and 3 parts: the gas chamber, the gastric body and antrum. The mucosal lining of the stomach is folded, thereby increasing its absorption surface.

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Last portion of the digestive system begins at the ileocecal valve and ends in her anus. 1.50my has a length of larger diameter than the rest of the digestive tract. Its diameter is not uniform and epiploic appendages are observed. Throughout
intestine differentiate several parts:
The blind man
is the most extensive portion of the intestine, the wall hangs the vermiform appendix
Ascending Colon:
below are available from blind climbing up the side of the abdomen into the right upper quadrant which relates to the underside of the liver. Transverse colon
follows a horizontal path to the left upper quadrant. Is related to the spleen and re-bent at the angle of the left colon.

Colon descending
Descend the lateral abdomen and inguinal region to the iliac fossa which is continuous with the sigmoid colon.
Sigmoid Colon:
reaches the middle and upper portion of the pelvic cavity and is continuous with the rest.
Terminal Segment of the digestive tract down in front of the sacrum and coccyx, ends at the anus.

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intestine liver pancreas

is a gland attached to the digestive tract. On the one hand involved in digestion forming bile salts. Second is a major reservoir of glycogen. And last is essential in the metabolism of multiple substances.
is situated in the right upper quadrant below the right dome of the diaphragm.
External morphology:
top or Diaphragmatic
has a convex shape that fits and is related to the diaphragm.
Under this face has the gallbladder and then down the inferior vena cava. His right side is related to the hepatic flexure of colon. In the face below, in addition to the right and left lobes distinguish other 2 lobes, the caudate lobe and quadrate lobe.
Linked to the inferior vena cava and the abdominal esophagus.

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gland attached to the digestive tract is in close relationship with both functional and morphological duodenum, is disposed in the space left between the various portions of the duodenum. It features exocrine pancreas to produce salts, excreted into the duodenum. It is an endocrine gland to secrete into the bloodstream, insulin and glucagon.
distinguish in the pancreas, head, body and tail. The head is adapted to space or duodenal frame and the tail is directed toward the left upper quadrant interacting with the spleen.
Within the pancreas are 2 pipes leading to the 2 duodenal portion, a top conductor or fitting and a lower or main. The main pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct.