Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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The rectilinear movements

rectilinear motion is called, the one whose trajectory is a straight line.

Rocío Ponce Cabello.

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parabolic motion is referred to by an object whose trajectory describes a parábola.Se corresponds to the ideal trajectory of a projectile moving in a medium that does not offer drag and is attracted to the Earth. Padilla Cruz

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Parabolic Movement Movement Movement

circular motion is defined as one whose trajectory is a circle.


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circular elliptical Caracol

is a moving object whose trajectory draws an ellipse. An ellipse is a geometric figure. The circle becomes a special case of ellipse, the foci are in the same spot. The further away the lights, more elongated the ellipse.

Such a move described by the planets, where one its focus is located


Veronica Ventura Minchón