Friday, May 29, 2009

Install Mount And Blade On A Macbook Pro

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Alice In Wonderland Slogan


Water enters the mouth, pharynx reaches and then down the esophagus into the stomach and then passes the small intestine, there is absorbed through the intestinal villi and enters the blood makes the sectional charge throughout the body and Once you get the hang renal artery leading to the kidneys is filtered, it passes into the ureters and reach the bladder and out through the urethra.

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'm a drop of water when I eat I walk through the mouth, pharynx step, and I get to estomago.Despues into the small intestine where they subsequently pass into the blood as part of blood plasma and I am driven to the renal artery for each riñón.El enters rest is part of the urine, I am driven by the ureters into the bladder and then I am expelled in the urine.

Andrés Moreno and Enrique Garrido

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am a drop of water, my journey begins here, follow: we passed through the mouth and there we mix with the saliva after swallowing us, we turn to the pharynx where there is a cover that prevents let us take the wrong path is the airway, we did the esophagus is a tube that carries water into the stomach in which enters through a hole called cardia you follow us! we are in the stomach where the walls reduces some acidic substances, called gastric juices that are mixed with water, Now we go to the small intestine where it is divided into three parts: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Produce juices intestinal walls. There are mixed with bile and pancreatic and intestinal juices and become peaceful. Then we did the blood that delivers all the substances addressed organismo.Las pass into the large intestine, large intestine is also divided into three parts: the cecum, colon and rectum ...

made by Miriam Padilla
Noelia Caballero Cruzado Antonio

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I am a drop of water, and my route is the following: When I'm in the mouth of a human being I start to mix with saliva, I am swallowed by the tongue and pharynx step , thence passing into the esophagus, that the epiglottis is a lid that prevents called clogging the airway, and when I'm in the esophagus is as if in a tube that leads me to the stomach, once I'm in the stomach walls have an acidic substance We call then I mix juices with food. Step into the small intestine through a hole called píloro.Ya once I reached the small intestine, large intestine happened there with the help of blood was engineered to the kidney and I am expelled from the urethra.

Made by: María Del Rocío Ponce and Maria Rivera Cabello Dominguez

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journey of a drop of water by the human body

I get into the mouth and passes through the pharynx, esophagus and stomach and I get to mix with gastric and pancreatic juices which absorbs a part of me The rest continues through the small intestine that here I mix with bile and reaches the large intestine where they absorb my friends. Later

circulatory step which runs through the body until it reached the kidneys to eliminate waste substances from the blood and also absorb some friends of mine after step tubes called ureters into the bladder where he spent there I'm a while until everything is full and go out through the urethra. RAMOS MANUEL MONTIEL

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am a drop of water and I say the travel I do in the body of a person.
I enter the mouth, I rebujo with the salivary glands and step into the pharynx where it closed a cover that prevented me to pass through the expiratory tube.
Then I went into the esophagus which led me into the stomach through a hole called the cardia. When my stomach was mixed with a fluid called gastric juice and was formed as a slurry into the small intestine called quimo.Pasé by a hole called the pylorus. I mixed
with bile and pancreatic juices and formed the chyle.
after me and spent the chyle absorbed into the blood and was distributed throughout the body. The circulatory
I distributed to all body cells with oxygen.

With blood for me I walk through the kidneys and renal artery and the cortex and medulla of kidneys removed from the blood me and I'll take the waste substances. Step into the ureters that lead me to the bladder and then I am expelled from the urethra.

Edenia and Joseph

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Raindrop AROUND MY BODY TERESA. The droplet of water

I am a water droplet, yesterday I went to Excursion the body of Teresa.
enters the mouth, but was a little scared, I was frightened and fell down the throat, I reach the large intestine, absorbed'm there (and there chyle becomes feces).
into the cells through the arteries, cells produce different functions with her.
veins then take me to the heart.
And I'm driven by the aorta and came to the kidneys.
me in the kidneys remove metabolic waste substances.
and acts on the kidneys and stimulates the reabsorption of water.
case you are hydrated and you are leftovers, the levels of antidiuretic down, so we excreta.
And finally we emerged from the urethra.

Made by: Patricia Díaz Pavón Cortil & Rafael Sayago.

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Hello! I am one of the drops of water you have drank Teresa and I'll explain my journey until I drove through the urethra. First, I went into my mouth and I mixed with saliva, shortly after I went through a narrow tube called the pharynx that soon led me to another tube called the esophagus. Then I fell into her stomach and I mixed with a fluid called gastric juice. After spending some good time spent in the stomach to the small intestine where I mixed with other liquids that are called bile that comes from the liver of a small bag called gallbladder, and pancreatic juice that comes from the pancreas. That fat is absorbed by a hair and I go into the large intestine where the walls absorb and eliminate me also to my colleagues. After step circulatory system and make the journey around the body to the kidneys to eliminate all waste substances from the blood and also from my friends, some time later, I went through one of the tubes to the kidneys are called ureters and came to the bladder, a bag where I stayed a long time until I was expelled from the urethra.

Made by: Veronica Ventura Minchón

Monday, May 18, 2009

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The water drop water drop

Teresa is drinking a glass of water. Imagine you are a drop of water from the vessel. Describe in detail your entire journey through the body of Theresa from which you enter through your mouth until you are expelled through the urethra.

You will have to explain in detail all the way pairs in a blog post, using what you have learned about human body systems.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Feel Himno SENA wanted Apprentice!

Friday, April 3, 2009

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SENA emphasizes their learning processes through the use of "competencies" that is, the SENA certifies that the person provided they demonstrate their abilities and skills in the execution of an activity to show that "can do" things. In addition, implementing learning projects Training operator based on active learning through new technologies of information and communications which increase the dynamism and interactivity in the learning process. For this reason I inform you achieve their respective certification can demonstrate as long as they do well each of the tasks.

I hope you in the company of your instructor SENA Tic's reach goals and achieve scale the steps which complete the Comprehensive Vocational Training in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Tele: ICT. KEEP

enthusiastically, Animo! The road is full of many surprises. ACCOMPANYING THE SENA TE. BE YOURS APROPIATE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM AND STILL show your skills ...

Tiffany Granath In Night Calls

What are the ICTs?

Basically, ICT is a set of technologies that enable people to share, view and process information in an interactive way by mixing the advantages offered 3 components involved in them:

  • The Informatica: Provides greater efficiency in the information processing through entities composed of hardware (some physical) and software (some logic).

  • The Telecommunications: They provide the connectivity and interconnection of physical and logical entities for interaction and sharing of resources, tasks, activities, besides using the services provided by the Internet.

  • The Media: Provides dynamic feedback mechanisms involved in the fusion or convergence of video, audio, video and text.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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The rectilinear movements

rectilinear motion is called, the one whose trajectory is a straight line.

Rocío Ponce Cabello.

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parabolic motion is referred to by an object whose trajectory describes a parábola.Se corresponds to the ideal trajectory of a projectile moving in a medium that does not offer drag and is attracted to the Earth. Padilla Cruz

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Parabolic Movement Movement Movement

circular motion is defined as one whose trajectory is a circle.


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circular elliptical Caracol

is a moving object whose trajectory draws an ellipse. An ellipse is a geometric figure. The circle becomes a special case of ellipse, the foci are in the same spot. The further away the lights, more elongated the ellipse.

Such a move described by the planets, where one its focus is located


Veronica Ventura Minchón

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

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My name snail living on herbs, I like climbing herbs, q I do not like people food cojan.Me me various types of herbs, I reproduces by eggs, my risk is that I eat the frog
Miriam Padilla

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I mouse, ground live in places with good ground cover, especially cropland. I like to be running from side to side and hide. I eat seeds, crickets and other insects. My pregnancy is 18-22 days, and always I have many litters per year, every 4 to 16 are young, and I reproduce in the spring. Mido between 7 and 11 cm and my tail between 8 and 15 cm and my weight is very low, only 15 to 20 grams.

Made by: Veronica Ventura Minchón

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The Cane Toad

Hello I am the Zorro, I am a mammal carníboro some of the most abundant planet. My hair is gray, ocher and red. I am a good hunter and I eat bird eggs, chickens, calves of various mammals, hares and rabbits. I usually put in the entire Iberian Peninsula, the Canary and Balearic Islands.

Pedro Manuel López Domínguez

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Zorro Zorro

Hello I am the Cane Toad, I live in Central and South America, I love to eat flies, and I do not eat a fox, as I am male about a few calls spring to attract hembras.Como'm an invasive species I want to eliminate humans. Image obtained

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Enrique Garrido