Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chinese Game 156 Tiles


am a drop of water, my journey begins here, follow: we passed through the mouth and there we mix with the saliva after swallowing us, we turn to the pharynx where there is a cover that prevents let us take the wrong path is the airway, we did the esophagus is a tube that carries water into the stomach in which enters through a hole called cardia you follow us! we are in the stomach where the walls reduces some acidic substances, called gastric juices that are mixed with water, Now we go to the small intestine where it is divided into three parts: duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Produce juices intestinal walls. There are mixed with bile and pancreatic and intestinal juices and become peaceful. Then we did the blood that delivers all the substances addressed organismo.Las pass into the large intestine, large intestine is also divided into three parts: the cecum, colon and rectum ...

made by Miriam Padilla
Noelia Caballero Cruzado Antonio


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