Friday, January 21, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Cook Ribs

Justo José de Urquiza, a biography of a traitor

"Urquiza, was the Governor of Entre Ríos Tirano, but it was most of all, the Party Chief of Major Federal Betrayer, and his death, a thousand times deserved, is a tremendous and exemplary justice match as many times slaughtered and sold for him. The reaction of the party should therefore be initiated by an act of political morality, as was the just punishment of the Head Traitor. " (José Hernández, author of Martín Fierro)

military genius and skillful trader, amassed a fortune in a mixture of legitimate businesses, shady and "sold." Had been for many years warlord and governor of his province, but had learned little political "big" except for their own benefit. His false pride, ambition and delusions of grandeur, kept him from seeing the subtle intrigues of politics and diplomacy behind the scenes big, and would be led by British and Brazilian diplomacy, as silly to the bathroom. Egocentric

the end, decorated her "Palacio San José" with its epic battle scenes, and maybe shaving would be reflected in the mirror at himself Alexander, Caesar or Napoleon.

Vain, sickly suspicious suspicious and jealous at shadows and their intimate and caused him uncontrollable furies.

Coronado, (his secretary) reports that "would be two in the afternoon, when General Urquiza retired to their rooms after the conclusion of the meal, which came moments later with a rifle that was in the habit of charging every time he entered the fifth and went to sit at the roundabout, where watched how easily passed in the first and second courtyard of San Jose ... having seen Franklin pass off the young Bond Roses side which was housed, the General rushed like a fury, believing no doubt that Franklin surprise in conversation with his wife with one of his daughters ... a mad frenzy as he threw himself on The youth full of invective while threatening him with the rifle. Franklin attacked in this way, and without weapons to defend themselves, entered the adjoining room, where he was reading the Lord Haedo, and the general came back to haunt him with a savage fury that could well end in a murder, if it does not bend readily attacked the general gun hit him in the chest ... All persons who were in San Jose rushed out and scattered across the field led by a terror, and no other witness so nasty scene ... only heard the cries and lamentations of the wife and members of the family of General screaming from their rooms, and whose voices were mingled with General shameless and blasphemous. Madame de Urquiza, carrying in her arms a child who screamed at her breasts, her hair disheveled, his face bathed in tears are filed in the Registry ... and then angry hyena that a moment before would have devoured all bowed his head, mused, and felt sad and thoughtful "(Coronado, Mysteries of San Jose).

A true leader of his province and faithfully followed by his countrymen, his constant inner struggle was to retain that position and fortune or take on the role of a patriot, "the Liberator" after Home, "the father of the Constitution" in 1852, "The great and good friend "(Pedro II)" The great man of America "(Alberdi)" The Washington of South America "(Mitre after Pavón) Navigating with one foot in each canoe wanted to stay with Rose and flirted with Veron de Astrada, sought the alliance to fight Lopez Buenos Aires and was up alliances with Brazil to subdue Solano López, who called their fumes to go against Buenos Aires, but offered help to British revenge for López at the refusal of this and was offered as a mediator with Americans to win their support. Called federal but compromise with the Liberals without being able to handle, but offered his patriot said Brazil army to some plantains and his own glory.

He lost his pride and his delusions of grandeur. Entangled in the words of praise did not let him see the reality, battered by a politics that does not understand, chose to retire to his personal fiefdom to take care of his fortune and glory.

During the first block and subsequent gasping French Anglo-French, had been flirting with the enemy, wanting to "decide" to form an independent republic in Mesopotamia (Entre Ríos and Corrientes, and perhaps Paraguay and Banda Oriental), with himself as "Supreme," which earned him some "tight ball" by part of Rosas, as that after the Treaty of Alcaraz.

Each "bent" against Rosas, Rosas got some benefit from that knowing that oxen plowing, he was pulling rope or skillfully, without cutting the rope. However, during the war with Brazil (the Confederacy had won beforehand) miscalculated Rosas and Urquiza never thought she would throw away his "Federal patriotism, his honor and to his" posthumous memory "and will happen to the enemy with all the army of the Confederacy, a plantain and a glory that never received or knew to get. Following

Home, battered by unitary Masons and doctors, Brazilian, English and even Lopez finally "erased" in Pavón, perhaps disillusioned, tired or "sold", and retire to his palace in San Jose to enjoy his fame and fortune to death Jordan Lopez's hands, unable to take the grave or a patacón of many that have taken in various betrayals. Just if you would have known that managed to save the "official historians", for posterity, and some street names and monuments, such as misplaced wherever the private ranch of Juan Manuel. (Av. Figueroa Alcorta and "Sarmiento", no less)

"We have absolute trust in the Lord General Mitre, he wrote to Chacho "His intentions are honest, what I can to strengthen national institutions in full force on the basis of order and fraternity" (Varela Urquiza. San Jose. 21 November 1863. AGNA Arch. Urquiza, leg. 77. AGM. "Processing ..." t. II. p.122)

But little was served patacones "who knew how to get" or the glory that could not hold "Home as soon as he was sorry and wanted to call to Rose to come to" take the potatoes from the fire: "There is only one man to govern the Nation Argentina, and Don Juan Manuel de Rosas. I'm ready to beg him to return Here "(May, 1852. Urquiza English representative Gore, starting to gather for the meeting in San Nicolas. JM Rosa. Volume VI. P.34) But it was late and the mace was made. Rosas, defeated by time, by the daunting task personnel for 20 years in office, and the whole unit and traitors, by Brazilians, English, French and traitors had been defeated in Home and had retired into exile, saying the resignation: "If nothing else we have done, is that we have not." And would not return, even though not requested by the Federal Urquiza who wanted to bring a revolution, which had never been joined Rosas "against a legally constituted government" Urquiza

tried to correct his error in part and raised the seizure of personal property of Roses, (he did and was soon to be governor) and Terrero allowed to sell the farm "San Martín" de Rosas (other goods again confiscate the unit, among other things to pay the bonoleros) and even sent him a few pesos to England (which Rosa was kind enough to thank you). But it was too late, and Rose was on his farm in England, retired from politics, living modestly on his personal work and ordered his papers to the trial of history.

"Good Feelings we keep the same that contributed to his downfall, do not forget the consideration being that has become so great figure in the country and services that will be very high and I am the first to recognize services whose glory no one can steal. " (1858. Justo José de Urquiza. Letter to Roses August 24, 1858. Extracted from the book by Mario César Gras "Rosas and Urquiza. His relations after Home." DTIS. The Author. Buenos Aires 1948.) Precisely Urquiza was "who wanted to steal the glory, but could not"


Brazil's empire was falling apart by their own internal struggles (abolition of slavery among others), engaged in a statement war with the Confederacy and a war lost before it started, as a last resort to turn her compromised situation, makes Urquiza reach a proposed alliance or at least stay out of the fight. Urquiza "offended in his honor" answers in writing to Empire, by also publish the notice in the newspaper Federal Entre-Riano "

" I, Governor and Captain General of the province of Entre Rios, part of the Confederation Argentina and general in his army chief of operations he had seen to it or its ally the Republic in a war in which vents are hereby life and death issues vital to their existence and sovereignty ... How do you think, for Brazil, as has been imagined for a moment, it would remain cold and unmoved spectator of this contest that is played no less than the fate of our nation or its most sacred prerogatives without betraying my country, no break the indissoluble links that bind me to it, without clearing with the shameful stain all my background? ... Brazil must be certain that General Urquiza with 14 or 16 Entre Rios and Corrientes has at his command will know, if you indicated, dealing in the fields of battle for the rights of the fatherland and sacrifice, if need be, its person, its interests and how has "

... and not happy with the single response in the same newspaper The Federal Entre-Riano "means publish the editorial:" ... the whole world Know that when we induce an alien power, It would be the fact that it will look indestructible immortal next general Urquiza his honorable friend the great Rosas, being the first with his noble sword avenge the American "Then

and plantains in the middle, takes its role as a traitor (always was) and passed to the enemy with the whole army of the Confederation, giving a victory to Brazil, without imagining, was the revenge of Ituzaingó, winning with through "diplomacy" and the Argentine arms and war lost.

betrayal was so treacherous that not even the Brazilians could not believe it, and Pontes (Brazilian diplomat) asked: "But Urquhart will work in good faith"? ... Not a comedy between him and Roses? ... ! The general of the armies of the Confederacy ... ¡¡¡(... Could not believe it ...) (See "The Miracle of the House of Braganza)


The Marquis of Caxias, head of the Brazilian troops in Caseros, informs the War Minister Souza de Melo: "The 1 st Division, art form of the allied army that marched on Buenos Aires, did wonders for recovering value the honor of the Brazilian arms lost February 27, 1827. "(That is the battle of Ituzaingó, victory for the Argentine troops) No wonder then that, despite the defeat of Rosas was on 3 February the triumphant entry of the troops of the Argentine-Brazilian alliance has produced just 20. No doubt it was an imposition of Brazilians Urquiza complied.

Argentina boss without consultation seemed to repent and decide that the parade will take place on 19, but his Brazilian is adamant: "A victory Desta campaha e uma vitoria Brazilian Imperial Divisao ea em Buenos Aires com enter all honor as to lhe sao quer Devidas V. Exia convenient ache or ship "Urquiza

refuses to return the flag Ituzaingo who were in the cathedral and try one last strategy to avoid the dishonor to his countrymen to march in front of foreign troops. Erroneously reported the time of the parade. Starts up with a temper that will hold throughout the ceremony, mounted on a horse with the mark of Rosas, Sarmiento describes as "magnificent." To the dismay of the unit sports a wide scarlet headband on his lapel, claiming to be Federal. Not even go to the podium where he was expected by officials, diplomats and notables, perhaps so that the ceremony was over as soon as possible, before the imperial troops started their triumphal procession "(Pacho O'Donnell, The Eagle Warrior) ... Apparently Urquiza immediately regretted what he did. ... (Brazilian timid to demand conditions ... is why the "prodigies of valor")

Home A few days after (day 9) and a few days before the parade, there was a significant fact: Honorio, the representative of the Emperor of Brazil, attends Palermo on 9 to meet with the loser of Caseros. But he feels so disgusted by the bodies hanging everywhere, rotting in the foliage of the trees, who decides to return the next day. Then there is a roughly when the Brazilian dialogue reminds Argentina territorial concessions should be made by the support.

Urquiza, furious, replied that it was Brazil who owes him, for "Roses had ended with the Emperor and even the Brazilian unit if not for my" ... Also ... "If I had stayed next to Rose, there would be at this time Emperor Honorius

(Brazilian) withdrew injured. But days later receive a visit from Diogenes Urquiza, Justo José's son, who on behalf of his father tells 100,000 patacones and also "the commitment to have that subsidy on," Honorio as reported by their government. And added "Given the desirability of giving in the present circumstances a test of generosity and desire to cultivate the alliance, I realized that I could not refuse him the favor" (Pacho O'Donnell, The Eagle Warrior) ... dull to ask some "heroes" of official history.

Urquiza was "bought" by Brazil to betray his country at the 1852-thing that testifies the same Sarmiento, who writes on 13/10/1852 Urquiza from Chile and him saying:

"I spent two months in the court of Brazil, trade almost intimate of statesmen of that country, and I know all details, general, and the agreements and transactions which IS in the league came against Rosas. All this, not known to the public today, is now the domain of history and is filed under the Foreign Ministries of Brazil and Uruguay. "(...)" I fell face shame to hear that Envoy (Honorio Hermeto Carneiro Leão, or Indobregavel) refer the irritating scene, and comments: "Yes, the millions that we had to buy to overthrow Rosas! Even after coming to Buenos Aires wanted to give him one hundred thousand dollars per month, while obscuring the brightness of our weapons in Monte Caseros to attribute only honors of victory. "(Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Letter of Yungay, 10/13/1852)


Brazil was the second largest after the English, who triumphantly paraded through Buenos Aires. After "a Batalha de Monte-Home", the troops of Dom Pedro II. delayed their march through the streets of Buenos Aires from day 3 until February 20 to commemorate the defeat of the Confederacy what was called "the revenge of Ituzaingó" 25 years of imperial defeat. Caxias sent on February 12, 1852 the battle of his Minister of War, and Mello Souza "... Notice is hereby given Your Excellency, to convey to His Majesty the Emperor, that the above 1a. Division, part of the Allied army that marched on Buenos Aires, did wonders for recovering value the honor of the Brazilian arms lost the February 20, 1827 "

Urquiza wanted to prevent the entry into Brazil's victory in Buenos Aires on February 20 -perhaps illustrated by someone at the last minute, but his commanders sent him away imperial packing. Manuel Marques de Souza, Vicomte de Porto Alegre, Urquiza answered with a snub: "A victory in this Campanha e uma vitoria Imperial Brazil ea Divisão em Buenos Aires com enter all honors that lhe são as Devidas, quer V. Ex-CIA. convenient or ache não. "(Gustavo Barroso, A Guerra do Rosas, 159)

Some historians little information about Home, smiling indulgently to find that in the history books call Brazilian winner of Monte Caseros Brigadier Marques de Souza, Viscount Porto Alegre, Gustavo Barroso answered:

"... we are in Brazil in the sweet illusion that the Brazilian Division of Manuel Marques de Souza was what really decided the battle of Caseros. And even though their role has not been the main, the Viscount of Porto Alegre was one of the victors of the war and could be called by Jourdan winner, without exaggeration, as it does. We know perfectly well that not having never defeated an Argentine general our troops on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, and marched triumphantly into it with their flags flying troops to the rhythm of music, albeit with our revolutionary, is not nice for our very friendly neighbors that the Vicomte de Porto Alegre has achieved the glory "(A Guerra do Rosas, 143-144)

no doubt that Barroso, at least in his last sentence is right. Urquiza, according to Sarmiento, 13.10.1852, bought by Brazil, had nothing to say and only obey, as we saw, "Dear V. Excitation. não ache or desirable. "Caxias and the Marques de Souza wanted to have in Buenos Aires Ituzaingó trophies were kept in the cathedral. Urquiza had to accept at first, but it was the Emperor Dom Pedro II. who objected: "Playing impopularizarse these relics would justify a revolt of feeling hurt legitimate national susceptibility imperial government should not," he reportedly told Andrés Lamas. (Peter S. Lamas, Stages of a great political)


Urquiza would last the joy of victory traitor. After shooting, among others, Chilavert, Santa Coloma and the entire battalion full Aquino, (who left hanging for several days of a tree of Palermo) should delay the parade grand entrance until 20 February, to celebrate Brazilian demand a rematch of the Battle of Ituzaingó. Finally he did a poncho and hat with scarlet ribbon and mounted on a horse with the mark of Roses, and the worst mood. In no time would the demands of Brazil to fulfill the treaty of alliance (delivery of the Eastern, Eastern missions, the recognition of Paraguayan independence and the return of the "war costs) would also top the British demanding the abrogation of treaties of Roses, and the unit who were masters of the revolution and began plotting immediately.

strands of February 21, 1852 restored the use of scarlet headband and the unit called "rogue items that were on collision with the power of public opinion and succumbed without honor in demand. Today poke their head and, after so many disappointments, of so much blood, they strive to become creditors to the wild popularity of individual and hated with unprecedented fearlessness, claim the inheritance of a revolution that is not theirs, a country whose tranquility disturbed , which promised independence and freedom which they sacrificed to their ambition, "

1852" There is only one man to govern the Nation Argentina, and Don Juan Manuel de Rosas. I'm ready to beg him to come back here "(Urquiza English representative Gore, starting to gather for the meeting, San Nicolas. May 1952. JM Rosa. Volume VI. P.34)

1858" Good I keep the same feelings that contributed to his downfall, do not forget the consideration being that has become so great figure in the country and very high service they owe and that I am the first to recognize services whose glory no one can snatch ". (Justo José de Urquiza. Letter to Roses August 24, 1858. Extracted from the book by Mario César Gras "Rosas and Urquiza. His relations after Home." DTIS. The Author. Bs 1948.)


"Reflects the acquisition to disarm the adversary, as the province of Entre Rios, excellent and admirable horsemen, but were not poor infantry. And so was set aside as a value Urquiza fighter ... There was no Urquiza paste a statesman, not a condottiere passed ... Thus remained inactive. In fact, betrayed them all. Brazil took care to render it harmless. Urquiza, despite being immensely rich, was an immoderate love fortune, General Osorio knew her weak side "(J. Panda Cológeras." historical Formação do Brasil ". JMR TVII. P117) The Brazilian general Osorio who commanded the cavalry Brazilian Home in 1851, knew the "weak side" of Urquiza

"All my life I was constantly tormented by the memory of the outrageous crime that I committed to cooperate in the way I did, to the fall of General Rosas. Fear always be measured by the same yardstick and died with the same knife, the same as for my efforts and serious errors, I have placed in power. "(Excerpt from a letter of Urquiza Tucuman after 18 years, home- dated March 3, 1870 and published in folio, 326. tomo3 History of the Govt. of the Argentine provinces of A. Zinny, ed. 192 º - Raul appointment Rivanera Carlés, P. Rosas 13)


Urquiza juice always "two points" and betrayed "at both ends." Own economic interests and their dreams of "Supreme" to the Confederation or at least one independent Mesopotamian Republic:

- The treaty attempts to separate Alcaraz with Corrientes and Paraguay (Rosas made him turn back)

- In 1847, Anglo-French-unit full assault the enemy tried to separate the Mesopotamia.

- At Home and turned over to the enemy "with all the army of the Confederacy" (and took his good patacones)

- In the decade of 1850 "played" to ally with Lopez of Paraguay and Brazil and England traded with, and even offered people and territory to Paraguay assault.

- In Pavón "erases" the Palacio San José and let the duo Mitre, Sarmiento press the provinces and slaughter all federal (military or not, and even poor gauchos)

- I promised to Chacha "pronounced" in his favor, and "left alone" to be massacred.

- I did the same with Felipe Varela: "We have absolute confidence in Mr Mitre - wrote to Chacho - His intentions are honest, what I can to strengthen national institutions in full force on the basis of order and fraternity "(Varela Urquiza. San Jose. November 21, 1863. AGNA Arch. Urquiza, leg. 77 . AGM. "Processing ..." t. II. p.122)

- In the preliminaries of the war in Paraguay became Lopez's friend and is "pronounced" against Mitre. He sold the horse to Brazil at a good price, and was to charge a British banking Mitre and his treason against Paraguay, as a vulgar blackmailer.

"Won (Urquiza) the battle of Pavon and Buenos Aires gave him victory, leaving home and leaving the battlefield in the hands of the vanquished.

captained Brazil to shake off the tyrannical influence of Buenos Aires, today marks the orders of the two countries against the interior.

worked for the cause of the provinces now working against them, for the sake of Buenos Aires. Represented

Argentine nationalism: today is the left-handed arm localism of Buenos Aires against Argentina.

The agreement, in reforming the Constitution in the triple alliance, which signed Urquiza Buenos Aires written by the pen of Victor ". (Juan Bautista Alberdi)

"Tyrant Urquiza was the Governor of Entre Rios, but it was more the whole Party Chief of Major Federal Betrayer, and his death, a thousand times deserved, is a tremendous and exemplary justice of the match as many times sacrificed and sold by him. The reaction of the party should therefore be initiated by an act of political morality, as was the just punishment of the chief traitor "(José Hernández, Ricardo López Jordán letter, dated Buenos Aires on October 7, 1870)


"El Tigre de Montiel"

"The Caguetón" Implemented by Taboada, in a letter to Anselmo Rojo.

"The South American Guazetón" Long live the South American Guazetón! Exclaimed the Indian Monsoon, wanting to express: the Washington Sudamericano Viva! As he had been taught. As a result of these, the Indian Monsoon was to come up with their bones to jail.

"Crazy Wild Traitor" The people of Buenos Aires to learn the delivery of Urquiza.

"The Morao" De Hilario Ascasubi in "La Media Caña de los Libres." "At the Corrientes Urquiza Morao Friza takes out." "Mora" gauchezca speech, vile, lazy, cowardly.

"The Quiscudo" (from quisca: spine, pick some vegetables) Mote given by Manuel Taboada.


- Rosa, José María: History Argentina.
- Garcia de Mello, Atilio. Process of counterfeiters in the history of Paraguay. Theory.
- Saldías, Adolfo. Argentina Confederation's history.
- Lappas Alcibiades "Masonry Argentina through its men" (Buenos Aires1966)
- Chávez, Fermín. Life and Death of Lee Jordan.
- Coronado Juan, Mysteries of San Jose.
- Cutolo-Ibarguren. Nicknames and denominated in the history of Argentina.

Hear this text

Pinky Gallery (adult)

a national issue Rail: Trains looting shot by news

Juan Carlos Cena.

The train Brazilian.

"You are one of Argentine intellectuals who always saw clearly the real enemy." "Maybe an error on our part was not having ever seen our government as a secular stage of the struggle against England which begins with the British invasions" The enemy is history same. Peron wrote to Scalabrini Ortiz.

Brazilians colonize us in several areas a feasible but history.

The Empire of Brazil has never abandoned his ambition on the domain of the east bank of the Rio de la Plata. When he was defeated in Ituzaingó by the United Provinces of Río de la Plata, in the war between the two powers (1825-1828), seemed frustrated forever Brazilian ambitions to join the Banda Oriental del Uruguay, which had remained under his domain since 1821.

The preliminary peace agreement signed in Rio de Janeiro on August 27, 1828, made clear that HM Emperor declared "separate from the territory of the Empire of Brazil, so you can become free and independent state to the region East (Art) and that both parties are obliged to defend the independence and integrity of the Province of Montevideo." (Art. ) AGM.t.1.p.98). Source: Federal Gazette

Just 20 months after the signing of the agreement is sent to Europe by the Marquis de Santo Amaro with the following statement: "Quanto ao novo Eastern State province ou nao cisplatin that do face part Argentine territory that incorporated já esteve ao Brazil or prune nao outro be independent from the state, VE will promptly and openly gives nesessidade of incorporation as outra year after Empire. E'o vulneravel side only do Brazil. E'dificil if imposivel ship, Suppress as mutual hostility or two people be without prejudice to impunity malfazejos do outra um e Fronteira. Natural boundary E'o do Imperio (Itamaraty Instructions signed by Miguel Calmou du Pin e Almeida, Vicomte de Abrantes, 21 April 1830. AGM.t1.p.498)

In 1864 the American minister at Rio de Janeiro, informed his government that "This is and has long been the ardent desire of Brazil ... I was not surprised by anything ... I visited a gentleman connected with the government, which came manifestly In order to inquire of me that think the Government United States. Source: Federal Gazette .

The Brazilian forward is not surprising, because the empire moved from the very discovery of America, advancing on the provinces of Plata, and the sad thing with the complicity or indifference of our government and "leaders." Always intrigued to weaken and divide the Confederacy, and if he could not win anything, at least as segregated, as was the case in Uruguay and Paraguay, and by chance did not separate the Mesopotamia as proposed by the unit and had practically agreed with Urquiza Alcaraz Treaty, which flatly rejected Rosas.

Rosas was overthrown (by the Brazilian and the complicity of Urquiza and unit), and after the pact Pavón (Mitre, Urquiza) they cleared land was sufficient to dominate the interior. Just five years after the fall of Rosas, General Tomas Guido wrote to a friend: "It is embarrassing to see how come the Brazilians to get into trouble the Parana River, just five years after the fall of Roses" was a Mitre

traitors to the English and Brazilian service. Elizalde's own minister (minister while employed by British companies) said it was "the only Lord who speaks English with an accent Catamarca. Mitre itself, used as a puppet in the war against Paraguay, said The Brazilian "did you spit or swallow bitter sweet." Source The Federal Gazette

Unfortunately Urquiza shamefully sold. Home also participated in the same Sarmiento and Mitre, the three which would then be those who subdue the interior, carried out the shameful war against Paraguay, and finally (and died a traitor Urquiza) Jordanian repression in Entre Rios, the last bastion federal.

The Paraguay War was the culmination of the Brazilian forward, carried out with the complicity stupid Mitre and Sarmiento. Juan Bautista Alberdi said that war was the "Triple Alliance empire of Brazil, the oligarchy Buenos Aires and the Uruguayan financiers, against the provinces of Rio de la Plata. " Actually was. The interior provinces fiercely opposed the war. Brazil got what he wanted. Source The Federal Gazette

After that, with few exceptions, everything was centralized in Buenos Aires and deliver or negotiate with the outside backs in the country and embarrassed now see legislators who vote against their sale and provinces and governors kneel for alms, with the provinces the true owners of wealth. While Neuquén (to cite just one example) produces energy, pay more expensive than in Buenos Aires, and while a Rioja harvest a pumpkin taxed in Buenos Aires for the central political patronage. I think that the

not understand our history, and their lies, this will continue, as in a vicious circle. Corrupted space that has to do with the silence of the colonized, whether politicians, unionists, intellectuals, academics and the like. Examples

settlement is too much. A pattern will never accounted for, is the accumulated knowledge of the colonized, it is wrong to sell to the colonies by the native sepoys as a commodity, or sale of businesses, there is no more out profitable, very low price. Let us briefly

colonization of our industry through of Brazilian international cartels that continues at this time. Source the Ferrocidio 2nd edition - my authorship.

Petrobras in July 2002 bought 58% of Perez Companc, Argentina's second-largest oil for U.S. $ 754.6 million in cash, bonds and another $ 370 million and U.S. $ 2,200 million of debt. In total, U.S. $ 3,381 million.

InBev group in 2002 (ex-AmBev, ex-Brahma) began the purchase of Quilmes Industrial, which owns 60% of the beer market and Baesa, the local owner of Pepsi. Between 2002 and 2006, InBev paid U.S. $ 1,900 million.

In April 2005 the group acquired Camargo Correa Fortabat Amalita Loma Negra, at U.S. $ 1,025 million. Now controls 47% of Argentine cement and rock ex FFCC del Sud

Since 2005, JBS-Friboi group bought the Swift, the former CEPA, Livestock and Col Appropriations Car Another Brazilian Marfrig acquired the Quickfood, South Maryi breaks. Would have more news after the election. Belgo

Minheira was buying Acindar, producer of construction steel, since the late '90s. Now he wants to buy the remaining 35% to U.S. $ 542 million. Acindar control today in Brazil, will go to Spain.

Santista Textile, Camargo Correa, who also bought Grafa and then sold a portion (sheets and dust) to Coteminas. Now Camargo Alpargatas also acquired, from São Paulo Alpargatas controlled.

Brazil's Marcopolo, the largest collective body manufacturer announced (01/11/2008) buying 33% stake in Metalpar Argentina. Metalpar Argentina has a local market share of 68% of passenger vehicles, and has an annual production of 1,500 units and 2,800 projected for this year. That is, if it has no safety program which ensure sales opportunities.

Gafor Brazilian group acquired the entire stake in MDL Logistics Transport International, a company specializing in cargo transportation throughout Mercosur. Expand its operation throughout the territories of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. It has a fleet of 2,600 trucks equipment.

Furthermore Vale do Rio Doce of Brazil acquire Minera La Alumbrera, Anglo-Swiss firm Xstrata. Provide 90,000 million dollars. Reflect a little brutal offering this amount how much value there is in the basement of that mine? This amount is ours, of the Nation. Are sold and distributed national assets, and he and previous governments keep a silence of traitors.

Vale Do Rio Doce, now are the new owners of the mines of potassium is buying Rio Tinto, the Anglo-Australian potash mine in the south of Mendoza, in nearby Rincon de los Sauces, in addition to a state of exploration project in Canada, for $ s $ 850 million, and the Corumbá iron ore mine in Brazil for u $ s 750 billion, coming to invest U.S. $ s 1.6 billion for everything. Ferrocidio source the 2nd edition of my authorship.

All amounts relating to gains on sales to large international groups do not return, nor go through the country. Swell the coffers of the colonizer (*). Not return to reinvest in the country, ie do not return, is pure looting of our wealth. That means a depletion of the national capital.

Neither this nor the previous government, have outlined only a hypocritical attempt to require that the volume of such marketings return and reinvested back into a productive sector development. Of course, this government and gurus posing as opponents claim the cries foreign investment.
As I say that not only invade us to bring our wealth and enslave our territorial sovereignty, but we will acquire the aircraft without the colonial Brazilian international bidding contest. Is clear evidence of a State doblegación colonized by a rising sub-imperialism.

We can not say as some intellectuals multiple candidates, it is preferable to allow Brazilian capital and non-Americans or Europeans, as if the country had financial capital. A whole childish.

The transnationalization of freight trains

They help to this project of colonial penetration Brazilian multinationals, directly or indirectly. A Camargo Correa is the main shareholder of the company Loma Negra, which in turn owns shares of FERROSUR, a company that has awarded the concession of the railway corridor of the former freight line Roca, covering all wet pampa the province of Buenos Aires. Its previous owner was Amalita Fortabat, Loma Negra sold the company in the tune of U $ S 1.025 million to Camargo Correa. The other transnational

Agrenco Brazilian is that administers ALL (America Latina Logistica), a company that bought the shares to Pescarmona, winner of the branches belonging to San Martin and FC FC Urquiza. That is, with the acquisition of both the Brazilian stock packages, travel throughout the country on an infrastructure that is the Argentine State, more precisely of the Nation.

I used to own and carry loads of multinationals, to the Pacific Ocean. The two Brazilian transnational cover much of the richest territory of our country. ALL, is the company that has produced the greatest amount of rail accidents.

Brazilians passing through our lines. Go side by side for our country on our own tracks, they now have to the Pacific. Any resemblance to British colonialism is only by blood.

No one voice that rises from the political, intellectual or union and questioning the appropriation of territorial sovereignty by these settlers from the territory crossed. Times worse than the English. The railways were owned by the British and sepoys shift territory was granted but on condition that built the railroads.

not the case today. The railways are franchised (rented), the Brazilians do not own territorial sovereignty but they have not built anything, only destruction can be seen at the side of the tracks and embankments. Ie to specify. The structures are of Argentina and their land.

What we see is that the Brazilian colonization colonized natives has made much more decadent than the previous traitors.

The British used the railway in the world and its colonies, as a tool of colonial penetration.

is worth asking: What role did the railroads under the geopolitical point of view when they were in state hands, and what role now? Currently out of trampling our sovereignty and national laws, the Brazilians, save fossil fuel, accident insurance resources, prevent deterioration and pollution in their own roads, etc.

This distortion of the trans must be added the assurance given by the government of former President Kirchner to charge other dealers on the continuation of their contracts. Here is an example.

The same happens with the dealers in the metropolitan railways (suburban passenger)

Itamaraty strategy: "Marcos Azambuja, former Brazilian ambassador to Argentina between 1993 and 1996, could say that" Argentina is the only country important for Brazil for which Brazil is important. " If the aphorism is still valid (hopefully so, and the fact that President Rousseff come to our country in his first trip abroad seems to confirm), if you have to live with a giant, it is good that you like me nice "Source This article - Brazil 2011: the Big Brother diary Sunday Profile 9-January 2010 - Rafael Bielsa.

"Let us be important for Brazil contains a possible paradox and a number of specific challenges. The paradox can be summarized as follows: the giant of a country often come at the expense of stunting their sphere of influence. However, if the competitiveness and aggressiveness Brazil's trade affect Argentina's economy, this would lead to local problems that conspire against the need for Brazil is that we are important "Source: Same

But Big Brother, saying Bielsa, appointed Deputy Consul Carlos Brazil Reis. It said some time ago by the Cuyo area that Brazil decided to put a Consulate General with jurisdiction over San Juan and San Luis.

ask, Do you have appointed to meet a political friend and leave hidden in the foothills beyond arid and hostile? Let us rather spied ...

Mendoza sends more than 40% of its production to Brazil Cuyo sources said. Since we can infer that the purpose of this appointment was not to hide any subject, giving a good position, or for monitoring the production of olives, onions, garlic, or wine, or other products, but the mineral. It's just like that thing, you have to monitor the content of the belly of the Osco in that area, ie the existence of mineral prospect. Potash mines are an example (see the train of potassium by this page) As interest in the Brazilian company Vale by the mine the Louvre in Tucumán - Catamarca. All

strategic policy Brazilian Big Brother on the way to become the hegemonic power of Mercosur, or a sub-imperialism by the grace of the abuse had on rickets in neighboring countries, not as brothers. Pathetic

rickets qualification of colonialist and expansionist policy in Brazil by this former Argentine foreign minister, a former liberal, a real ex ... stunted.

is no coincidence that the president of Brazil to Argentina to visit, is part of a state policy of the Brazilian nation that if you have "coherence" designed from the beginning, launched and controlled from the palace of Itamaraty. All geopolitical conception of that State who is headed for consolidation as a rule, in this case border.

To stop the looting of our wealth and stop being a colonized country, listen and take careful note what the teacher said Scalabrini Ortiz: Regaining the political and economic domination of our homeland is our duty to ourselves, our children and for our children's children. It is not easy but neither action is an action unapproachable. The revolutionaries of 1810, from which we come, we gave the example that nothing can resist the will of man in the service of a great cause.

to us to its realization. Do not expect others to do what we are not able to do. Governments can not do but what people know to ask with authority and firmness. Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz - History Railways

accumulation numbers in case of Big Brother. ** The dizzying panorama flight complete with a comparison with two impressive and astounding book. While in the first half of 2009, investments of private enterprises amounted to U.S. $ 66 billion in same period of 2010 climbed to $ 289 billion. International reserves are at $ 250 billion. Ditto Profile Source article. Just as an illustration.

Juan Carlos Cena is a founding member Mo.Na.Re.FA

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Menstruation & Numbness In Leg

By Oscar Taffetani.

"What analysis can you Fontevecchia Jorge asks Ted Turner said that while Argentina a hundred times smaller market than the U.S., with five news channels?". "I feel great," replies Turner. Better to have more news channels. I think that the more information we have, from different points of view, better. "

The question contains an alleged oligopoly (the idea that if the Argentines are few, there should be many media). And the answer is a manual response, which avoids posing the problem that even in the U.S., the competition between the chains is relative and ideological differences between the producers and distributors of information are also relative.

The problem is not that there are five or six local news channel for a population of 40 million inhabitants. The problem is that at the same time each day, these five or six channels, satellite repeated across the country, published the same news, follow the same news agenda, and-more seriously-have the same look on the facts they relate.

vacationers Theft, murder and tragedy holidaymakers vacationers road, living on the grid of TV "news" of summer parades and competitions, sports and tournaments in the summer and the scenes of the famous summer . When autumn arrived, predictably, will present the information collections of the season: Crisis school infrastructure, teacher strikes, some flu strains new advances in new and different campaigns.

Every so often, seasoning and to compensate the valleys of the rating, will (or will be released) a monster, which will divide the public and allowing the democratic exercise of that brief, in the manner of Facebook: "I like / I do not like"

As a consolation of fools (fools globalized) would say that it happens to us is happening all over the world. The mainstream media will stop being media and become ends. They work for themselves. Although at one time (and as a renewed challenge to the community and alternative media) is possible to turn that balance, even occasionally, to the side of those who have the least and most needed, achieving anything like justice. Damacio


a story "The Mommy, I'm told, it was the Blue, born there, near Buenos Aires. When the English came and continued to flee to the mountains of the Andes. And when raised in Blue, came to this side of the Colorado River. Lived there about five or six years. The mommy knew my ride on horseback, hence became more person yet. And they began to move more English ... and as they went to a chief whose name was such a queue-Pu, as my mama told me, a man petisito, with large rings means claimed in the shoulder. And Abalde and arrived in a corner that is until today and that is where they settled the town of Las Lajas, here in the province of Neuquén. Of there, then started up again. That was all the wealth left by my grandfather, Juan de Dios Vera's dad, my mom, who called Huenulaf Mapuche language. The language name of my grandmother, my mom's mom can not remember ... in itself huinca: Luisa Wuniup. Is the mommy? Her name was Juana Vera. How Mapuche? Allincan. Then fell to Chile. But ... and big people in Chile. And from there back to back again. Then, at the entrance, were combined, marriage to my father, Cecilio Caitruz. They were all tame ... people ... and did nothing. "

cite the autobiographical fragment, recorded in 1970 by Martha Borruat Bun, was collected over Later in the documentary-Choroy Araucanos Ruca, by Jorge Prelorán. Unintentionally, Damacio Caitruz tape delivered testimony that timeless, invaluable for travel and systematic plunder the original inhabitants of South America.

We wanted to bring here this word is not mediated, pristine, that knows no newspapers or radio or television, that does not respond to any information or political agenda, and yet this puts us in an absolute historical validity.

Are you talking about the Mapuche or Qom? Are they on the Riviera? "On the outskirts of Rosario? "In suburban Buenos Aires? Are English they go? General Roca is it? Is it an American news czar, which is buying new ranches in Patagonia?

all happens. Everything is still happening. And maybe we could report it. And maybe we could discuss it. If we were not shot by the news.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hilar Lymphadenopathies

Entre Rios "Province for a few" Fascination

For Tirso Fiorotto.

Province for the few: dislodge and expel the workers while they Eskenazi and Tres Arroyos sign anything.

The dismal performance of the province of Entre Rios in the process of population, according to results of Census 2010, questions to the three major candidates for governor. Their parties are primarily responsible (with other sectors) that the province ejected about 50 people each working day, absence of opportunities. From the Justice Party, which ruled most of the period covered by this census, we attempted to neutralize the scandal of forcing the data very weak growth. The real numbers, amazing. North Central departments are shown viable for habitation. Nogoyá, Tala and others reveal a chronic disease in its economy, which emphasize politicians. Who desertification the undeniable benefits of Entre Rios?

Official data from Census 2010 showed that the province of Entre Rios inhabitants expelled for lack of job opportunities, at 50 persons per working day. This occurs for at least 60 years, and continues.

In a week are leaving the province some 60 families, and the population drain has added only in the last six decades, about 750 thousand inhabitants, all exiles.

The findings are based on comparing the total population growth of Argentina, with the growth of Entre Ríos, always less. This month, the authorities admitted that the country has increased its population by 10.6%, and the province reached only 6.7%.

La Argentina rose from 36.26 million to 40 million inhabitants. Entre Rios went from 1 million 158 thousand to 1 million 236 thousand inhabitants between 2001 and 2010.

been many years since this province had a record as low, although in recent decades was always characterized by competition between the territories of lower population growth. The inability to retain their own children is a scourge across the province, and is accentuated in the central northern Entre Rios.

During the period of greatest economic growth in Argentina has had most of its history, with record on record production and exports (soybean, mostly), aided by high international prices of raw material and high demand , Entre Ríos also expanded the production of the expensive raw material, soy, but also deepened its inhabitants ejector process.

Our province can not bounce off the bottom. Population continues to fall supine in the eyes of a leadership that does not hit to implement deep reforms that the time required. The INDEC just reconfirmed, with numbers, which one checks going through the so-called "ghost towns", the taperas (abandoned homes) and semi-desert areas.

Severe expelling complaints about the structure of Entre Rios, and official reports that the certified, they can not move to the political and business leaders as a bloc, they maintain the status quo even if it means a drain on the order of population entrerrianos the 50 per working day. Odious comparisons

Entre Rios 78,153 people increased between 2001 and 2010. Grew by 6.74% during this period. From 14.7 inhabitants 15.69 per square kilometer. Ie, rose person per km2.

Where better note the population debacle? Nogoyá department had 41,289 inhabitants in 1960. Today it has 39,078. In half a century has 2,000 fewer inhabitants.

A reasonable 15% per decade of increase, would be in the 83,000 Nogoyá. That is, would have exactly twice those 41 000 1960, but has ... 39 000. Nogoyá department is a hymn to the expulsion, banishment, a hymn to the desert. Already

the 1960 census had shown a serious trend: compared to the census of 1947, the departments Feliciano, Gualeguay, La Paz, Nogoyá, Tala Villaguay Victoria and reduced their population. Vale

insist the trend of Entre Rios ejection comes from many years, and the worrying thing is that it follows.

Felquer A geography of 1960 reads: "Comparing the census of 1947 to 1960, found that Entre Rios is one of the least populous provinces that rose in that period ... The country, in 1960, compared to 1947, has increased by 25.9%, while Entre Ríos only accounts for 0.8%, Misiones, 34.9%, Buenos Aires, 34.4%, Formosa, 34 %, and Chubut, 32.6%. " (The worrying demographic performance of today's Entre Rios has a history in such dire 50s).

In this Bicentennial year, the case Nogoyá could well be an exception, but unfortunately not. Tala department had 26,636 inhabitants in 1960. Today it has 26,198. In half a century could not recall a single family, on the contrary.

Had grown, as we proposed to Nogoyá to 15% per decade, logging would be exceeding the 52,000 inhabitants, and just passed the 26 mil.

These two departments are the clearest evidence of the failure of policies in Entre Ríos around work, opportunities for residents. But buttons are just two shows: the 2010 Census says more, that local authorities would want to hide.
If everyone who has thought a bit in Entre Ríos know the backwardness of the North Central, fell in mature policies should be established reforms. Statistics show that it grew at the concentration of the economy in a few hands.

What counts is the disappearance of workers, microenterprises and SMEs. The same powerful than in his speeches are filled with the mouth of "SMEs", in reality its policies are destroying them.

seems to purpose: the weaker departments, which again must be protected, encouraged, stoves, were the most abandoned.

Between 2001 and 2010, Feliciano grew only 3.8% Federal 3.4% 2.1% Villaguay, La Paz 1.2%, 1.18% Tala, and less than 1 Nogoyá %: 0.61%.

In the province of Santa Cruz, for every 100 people registered in 2001, today we have 38 more. In the department Nogoyá for every 100 people do not join a single. And that means, in fact, that the Census is warning us that many smaller localities exhibit a reversal. Which have 300 500 inhabitants. Because the district capitals generally increase over the index, and rural and semi-ejected with greater intensity.

In the large department La Paz, shiny soy per 100 inhabitants in 2001 we have one more.

political responsibilities have a name: the current governor was formerly Minister of Government and legislature. His predecessor Jorge Busti was three times governor and is running for a fourth term. His predecessor Sergio Montiel was twice governor ...

The accession of these rulers to the lines of the Pink House has been strict, ie there were no disputes with Buenos Aires (with exceptions), following the failure of policies implemented for our province, but an unconditional alignment.

Mendoza, Tucuman and Salta

to the ruling, the 2010 Census located in the province of Entre Ríos seventh among the provinces with the highest number of inhabitants, including the City of Buenos Aires. The trap was rough.

is true: one of the seven most populous districts. But information is a lie if it is not clear that recently, in 1947, Entre Ríos was the fifth most populous region, today is the seventh, and with these results is on track to be the tenth, not changing policy directions.

Tucumán in 1947 was 194 000 people less than Entre Rios, now has 212 thousand more than the province.

With Mendoza was the same: it had 199 000 inhabitants less 1947 and today has more that 505,000 Entre Rios.

These indicators speak well of Mendoza and Tucuman, and very poor economic organization of Entre Rios. Comparisons are odious, but they are worth to note that the problem of ejecting provinces like ours is not cyclical but structural. We spent

Tucumán and Mendoza. Now comes Salta. Our province had 496,500 inhabitants Jumping six decades ago, today has only 21,000 more. The trend is undeniable: in the absence of separate plans for Entre Rios, plans to take root, to generate real job, now there are plans in government or election platforms known Skip navigation in a couple of years in our province of seventh to eighth. The

other numbers: a decade the gap between the two provinces surpassed the 79,000 people, only the 21,000 today. Between the last two censuses, Salta grew 12.6% 6.7% Entre Ríos. Within 10 years, to follow the rhythm of this decade, Salta have 1,368,000 inhabitants, and Entre Ríos 1,320,000. Sister province northwest will pass us by almost 50 thousand inhabitants. Not for the boom of Salta, because growth does not appear extraordinary, but entrerriano stagnation.

and follow the examples: two decades ago we brought 231,000 people to missions. In 2010 the difference fell to 138,400 people. Also close Chaco, Corrientes and Santiago del Estero, which grow at a rate better than Entre Rios ...

is likely that any entrerriano assume that outgrows its province Santiago del Estero, given its impossible temperatures, less endowed lands, lack of water. However, in these two decades grew Santiago del Estero 33, 40% against 21.17% of Entre Rios.

There are grounds, then to say that after getting behind Salta (in the absence of major changes) will be waiting Misiones and Chaco, in the same Argentine coast. Losing

spaces is interesting to analyze the growth Federation department in the last 60 years. There, for various reasons, people are better rooted. The citrus, spa tourism, some plants with afforestation work would be contributing causes. It is one of the departments with the largest distribution of land ownership, and diversified economy and the strong presence of a hundred varieties of citrus and some other gardens.

Federation in 1947 had 32,864 inhabitants in 2010 and added 68,706. The department grew by 109%, ie more than doubled its population in 63 years.

The whole province, however, in that period grew by 57%. That means that if the entire province Entre Rios had grown by department Federation entrerrianos today would be more than 1,600,000 inhabitants.

relationship with the whole country is more illuminating about the decline of Entre Ríos: Argentina increased from 15.89 million inhabitants in 1947 to 40,090,000 in 2010. Grew by 152%. And Entre Rios, and we said, from 787,362 to 1,236,300. Grew by 57%.

This means that if Entre Ríos population had increased at the same pace throughout Argentina, today we would be 1,980,000. Bottom line? Live outside of Entre Rios Entre Rios at least 750,000, and that is only counting the last 6 decades. Just

750,000 divided by the number of working days in 60 years (a rate of 250 per year, in round numbers), to show that Entre Ríos check their land to 50 people per day, two per hour.

If the twentieth century put our people on an inclined plane, the first decade of the century, far from reversing that trend, he emphasized.

As kirchnerismo dominated 90% of the last reporting period, the Census results are not encouraging for those advocating drastic changes are not observed here.

interpellate The exiled entrerrianos governments. But governments grant rights to large enterprises concentrated in the economy (Mainly multinationals), the structure responsible for ejection, and petty families wishing to live in the land that gave birth.

Territory "overloaded? There

seats in the Federal Capital are overloaded and it is logical that exhibit lower growth. But it is the case of Entre Rios, or better yet, our country is the opposite.

Can our province to receive a greater burden on people?

The Republic of Panama has a total area smaller than that of Entre Rios, and the Panamanians are 3.3 million. Israel has almost a quarter of the Entre Rios area and has 7.6 million inhabitants. That means that if Israel Entre Rios was like, here they could live almost 30 million people, and we just 1.2. We

4% of the population density of Israel. We, 15.7 people per 100 hectares, Israel 343.

What other country we want to compare? With the country most targeted by imperialism: Cuba. The area of \u200b\u200bCuba is almost a Entre Rios and a half. If you have a population density such as ours would not reach 2 million. How many do you have? More than 11 million. And we talk of the country that has endured half a century of blockade and the most powerful empire on earth warrior. Let

at one end of South Korea. With an area slightly larger than the entrerriana (like us to add our territory three departments Gualeguaychú), Koreans are nearly 49 million. Add up to 487 people per 100 hectares. Where Entre Rios has 1 person, Korea has 31.

The best weather, the best soils, rainfall, aquifers hitch, privileged location, 300 people armed with an infinite capacity to give a home to their children, and families with trade in productive diversity " Entre Ríos what's wrong?. Leaders fail, they fail the rulers and their business allies. Sure, they fail from a demographic standpoint, because if you really want is to stay in power, ensure re-election, favoring the focus groups and multinationals, if they are looking for a few Entre Ríos, the scheme could not be more successful.

Who put the bell

The INDEC, zero credibility in terms of price and other herbs, could make an acceptable census. However, it will take two months, and offers no data on the number of inhabitants per city.

With the information at hand, with this sort of diagnosis, the authorities can tackle the problems of entry with the proper remedies in time.

census has not yet offered to the public data fundamental. If symptoms of illness on growth, the concentration of people in the capital (as demonstrated by other surveys), still do not know.

capitals tend to increase their population at a higher rate, between 15 and 30% per decade, at the expense of the depopulation of rural and semirural areas. And they do it without much planning, with the proliferation of crowded neighborhoods.

In Entre Rios, this trend (which is no more acute than in other territories) distorts a quality very typical of this province balanced population distribution. It was a real treasure.

In 1960 the department's population occupied 21.6% Paraná the province's total. Today, 27.5%. The trend is unacceptable and disturbing the projection.

population dispersion expensive some services but allows a more harmonious life, less stress, low risk of overcrowding, and provides opportunities to overcome conflicts, village by village, with a variety of schemes, involving neighbors, community .

On the other hand, are still unknown other indicators to assess the form and quality of life.

Now, why did they question the data known major political candidates for the 2011 elections? Because deportation is a sign that faced by plans rulers so addicted to the "economy of scale" (mainly Busti, and Urribarri), do not work for establishment of families. And because the third candidate, Benedetti, has developed its business around a farm item that tends to concentrate the activity. This applicant was not yet government and your company is looking to diversify production (grains, chickens, pigs, etc.), And to some extent is of the groups that resist the invasion of pools. But none of the three candidates so far has presented serious plans to reverse the scourge of expulsion measures to attack the economic structure.

If you have a plan Entre Ríos to break these structures, if you bounce on a flat, after falling as sharp population for decades, might be surprised by their population growth with dignity, and even repatriate (to his little country) to thousands of families very welcome return to his province loved, which were drawn.

This desertification, "benefit anyone? Without doubt, the focus groups (mostly foreign) need land suitable for large scale, without people, to expand their fiefdoms. Financial groups, landowners, the pools, and their partners (banks, politicians, suppliers, contractors), congratulations are in a country without Entre Rios Entre Rios.

Who is encouraged to confront the focus groups and multinationals, clear obstacles for establishment of workers and SMEs? Who will put the bell to these lions?

undeniable growth problems

DEPT. Increase *

Nogoyá Tala
0.61% 1.18%
La Paz 1.2% 2.1%
Villaguay Federal
3.4% 3.8% 4.5%

Diamond Islands Ibicuy of 5% 5%
Uruguay 6.64% 7.21% San Salvador 7.3%

Gualeguaychú. Gualeguay
7.48% 7.5% 7.7%
Concordia Federation
14.1% 16.6% Columbus

6.74% * Population growth according to a comparison of 2001 and 2010 censuses. The six worst performing departments belong to the northern heart of Entre Rios.

Macrocephaly: bad and getting worse

addition of Entre Ríos, La Pampa, Corrientes and Santa Fe provinces were the worst performers in the count conducted last October 27, the day of the death of former President Nestor Kirchner.

La Pampa with growth below 6%, and the remaining three with 6.7% as ours.

However, La Pampa had grown 1991 to 2001 was 15.1%. So in the last two decades, population growth there was 21.90%, and the province of Corrientes in the 20-year period increased by 24.8%, unlike that of Entre Rios 1991 to 2010 grew 21 , 17%.

must consider here that the natural conditions of Entre Rios are infinitely more favorable for establishment, in conjunction with La Pampa.

Santa Fe is another province with very low growth in the number of inhabitants. In two decades, only 14.37%. Looking

1947 to date, Santa Fe had a 10.7% portion of the inhabitants of the country, and now has 7.98%. Decreased 2.72 points.

Entre Ríos increased from 4.95% of the population of Argentina in 1947 to 3.08% in 2010, down 1.87 points.

Where did the population? The province of Buenos Aires had already in 2001 the tune of 13.82 million. This year it recorded 15.59 million. 12.8% growth in this decade, adding to a steady increase in recent decades. In 1947 had 4.27 million inhabitants, ie 26.8% of the country. Today its population accounts for almost 39% of the inhabitants of Argentina. The province of Buenos Aires population increased by 264.8% over six decades, unlike the 57% recorded Entre Rios. Clearly, then, where are the missing entrerrianos, mostly. Buenos Aires


The excessive growth of the province of Buenos Aires in relation to the other is already a macrocephaly distorting development.

Add to that a Federal Capital has behaved rarity in recent years. The city was stagnant in its population. Does not grow for decades. In 1947 had 2.98 million inhabitants in 1991 dropped to 2.96. The collapse is evident.

The 2001 census recorded a decline of 6% (but with margins of error that would take too long to explain), but here news: in 2010 if we find an increase of 4.14%.

That is, when healthy had been a decline in the Capital, we have more agglomeration.

If between the Federal Capital (2,891,082 inhabitants) and the province of Buenos Aires (15,594,428 inhabitants) total 18,485,510, macrocephaly that paralyzes Argentina becomes evident. Account for 46.1% of Argentina's total population (40,091,359 inhabitants).

If we add Santa Fe and Cordoba, we are very close to the 25 million inhabitants, ie the 62.33% of Argentines live in three regions of the 23.

Good: Santa Cruz grew 38.4%, 24.8% Tierra del Fuego, Chubut 22.6% San Luis 17.3%, Neuquén 16.1% 14.6% Black River.

But do not be deceived: Santa Cruz, Chubut, Black River, La Pampa, are considered a desert in the world. Santa Cruz is only 1.1 inhabitants per square kilometer. If

inhabited as Israel, Santa Cruz would have 83 million inhabitants. Today it has 272 thousand, less than the Great Paraná. It is one of the areas stolen by the Argentines on indigenous Argentine barely a century or property to give them a few, some of them very rich, as you know.

Without some politicians, I must say that George Soros and Luciano Benetton and their families and partners joined in Argentina about 2 million hectares, most of them in Santa Cruz. And the current national government has consistently refused for 8 years to treat a law (the first was presented by Elisa Carrio, and there are a dozen projects) to curb foreign ownership (although it must be done is remove).

Gualeguaychú, a question

If you look at the population density of Entre Rios will meet semi-true.

Remember that the province of Tucumán, for example, has 64.3 inhabitants per square kilometer, the province of Buenos Aires 50.7. 36.8 missions.

Without any natural reason, among Rivers is 15.69 inhabitants per km2, with an imbalance runaway: Paraná department h/km2 68.52, the department Feliciano with 4.82, ie 7% of the most populous.

Without going to extremes (Paraná on one hand, Feliciano on the other), we say that the intermediate numbers also speak volumes. There are empty areas such as La Paz. It is true that the mountains are, for example, that must be preserved. And why has so few inhabitants Gualeguaychú, when a whole area seems to favor, and does not cover large areas of islands or mountains?

Federation Today the department is equivalent to 63% of Gualeguaychú. In 91, equivalent to 54.3%. The department Columbus had exactly half of the population of Gualeguaychú department in 1991, today has 56%.

Gualeguaychú is true that has not had the provincial government favors such as Paraná and Concordia, which in turn show huge crowded neighborhoods in the district capitals, but no fame, the city of Gualeguaychu, on the industrial park?

Indeed, the industrial park does not pass the barrier of 2,000 jobs. And a single room near the city (El Potrero, per case) may have 30,000 hectares in the areas best in the world without the leadership see here the main cause of the ills of this department ejector their children.

The imbalance in numbers

Department Sort by km2 *

Concordia 68.52 21.27 52 Columbus

Federation Uruguay 18.27 17.22, 16.62 ** Diamond

San Salvador 15.37 13.50 10.3

Tala La Paz
Nogoyá 9.83 7.3 9.12
Gualeguay 7.21 ** 5.27 ** Victoria
5, Feliciano

12 4.82 2.68 ** Ibicuy Islands

(Entre Ríos 15.69)

* This table shows the uneven settlement of the province of Entre Rios. **

Departments with vast areas of islands (which does not make them uninhabitable, with adequate infrastructure and plans.)

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Herpis Zoster What To Avoid Eating

poles: Treasure Hunt has begun

By Gilles Lapouge.

fail Why Kyoto and Cancun? Because it is necessary to increase the temperature to access all the mineral riches that lie beneath the North Pole.

The melting of Arctic sea ice, opening a passage to the Orient, is designing a new geography. Prelude to an eldorado: under the sea ice, oil and other riches are waiting to be exploited modern. Global warming and liberal economy, a music that sounds familiar ...

What if the pole was gone? Bother us much. So much for the pole and we know it! We did many things together! We liked to put it in our school notebooks, lovingly calculating its position with the help of our squares and compasses. Once they were, we could add the tropics and Ecuador, roses winds and nautical routes, a whole series of small geometries of the cosmos taken charge of plotting the unsettling mess of geography. The pole, the axis of the world was there absence which contained our globe, which guaranteed its elegance and strength, like a tie clip and beautifies the folds of a toga.

Today, the poles are threatened. No poles themselves, is not easy to suppress what does not exist-but white landscapes are centered. The North Pole is in danger. Its glaciers are melting. For several years, the polar bear, skinny and consumptive, trailing ice bank Ice bank, from film to film, Arthus Bertrand in Nicolas Hulot.

The South Pole has always been cooler (twenty degrees below average). Is not formed by a bank that floats in the sea, but by a giant ice represents 90% of freshwater reserves on the planet. More resistant to warming than the North Pole but every so often, the Weddell Sea side or Wilkins, a big iceberg such as Luxembourg is dropped into water and who knows where it will stop.

The countries bordering the poles, in particular the North Pole (Canada, Russia, United States, Norway and Denmark) - attracted by the heat, get ready to pocket the vast mineral and oil wealth that the collapse of the ice is to make available. It looks like a fairy tale or horror. The men knew long that the treasure was hidden beneath the ice, but not seen. The melting of glaciers is a miracle, perhaps unfortunate, gets his hands the keys to the cave.

At the same time, businessmen and oil wonder how many billions of dollars will win the day eventually opened two routes magical cold explorers looking for four centuries, the Northwest Passage of Canada and northeastern Siberia. Both bring the Far East (Cathay, Calicut and Cipangu) the scope of America and Europe.

Each time you return spring I wonder how far will the white place when the snow has melted. What loneliness, what upside of things go to hide? And the target of the poles, where will he go into hiding the day on which the Arctic ice gone? We will miss that target, like miss a vacuum and the absence of the "zero point" of the world. These spaces retain stocks of supplies Hyperborean more precious than gold and antimony, essential ingredients for men and societies: the whiteness, nothingness, silence, the infinite and the unknown.

"begins the time of the finite world"

Today, after five centuries of great explorations, the entire planet except precisely the poles, is classified and counted and civilized. The incognitae terrae Africa or Asia, that terrified and fascinated men, have been measured, defaced, broken. Latest maps from National Geographic Institute (IGN) are masterpieces. An area the size of a flea could be identified there. But the masterpieces are desperate: there are no unknown land, and there is an inch of the globe to escape to know.

Paul Valéry said in the thirties: "It begins the era of the finite world." The announcement was premature. In his time, the undifferentiated areas of the poles and their horizons to flight management resisted the planet. Civilizations do not know how to capture the infinite in their cadastres. But today, thanks to melting ice, the meters plant flag on the unspeakable. Valéry's prophecy is fulfilled begins finite time geography. The secret is drifting. The mystery flees like a leaky tank.

Treasure Hunt has begun. For geologists, who landed in crowds, the Arctic is a party space. Make an inventory of the resources hidden under the sea that is still the target: the billions of barrels of oil, billions of feet cubic of gas, coal, cobalt, diamonds, copper, nickel, poisons, pollution. Remain to be determined by the owners of these rarities.

International law excludes from the battle to the North Pole. It has no owner, it belongs to humanity. Otherwise, how could a nation claim, if the pole is an unreal place, a mathematical figure, the point of intersection of the axis of the Earth with the Earth's surface? Located along the time, in an area where the hours do not sound as all the meridians and time zones come together at this point, so that the clocks announce every hour at a time. It is a comforting if undivided geological and geographical.

But a second reason: because of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, signed in 1982, each of the countries bordering the Arctic Ocean has the right to manage its seabed up to 200 nautical miles ( 360 km) nautical miles from its shores, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). It happens that most of the mineral resources identified are piled near the coast, within that stretch of 200 miles. Thus, there should be no litigation. Unfortunately, a clause in the convention of 1982 sowed discord: if the coastal countries come to prove that the continental shelf around its coastline extends beyond 200 nautical miles from its EEZ, sovereignty increases in some arpents.

This clause really enjoyed the five riparian countries. Its geologists quickly discovered a number of continental shelves. Russia invoked the dorsal Lomonossov. What is this ridge? A seamount that part of the Russian coast, traverses the Arctic space-happy coincidence - happens just below the North Pole. Thus, the pole and the spaces that surround it, according to the Kremlin, are from Russia. To which the Canadian geologists counter that the dorsal Lomonossov is not only an extension of Canada's Ellesmere Island. This allows geologists Danish remember the famous dorsal sarcasm is not nothing but an extension of Greenland, whose representative is, until further orders, Denmark (at least until they regain their rights Eskimos).

At the moment the North Pole seems to be protected, but in ten or twenty years, finance and industry will fall on the seas of the Arctic. In the silence and the whiteness that had escaped the predatory curiosities of history converge the bulldozers and mechanical shovels, refineries, gas leaks, monumental vessels, non-governmental organizations, the stridency, the breeding of cod, hordes of environmentalists, oil platforms, the hyper-super-maxi-tankers, nuclear icebreakers. The white will go from there. Amid the drifting icebergs, the sea is muddy. The fog lights illuminate the city. The beautiful silence of the past will be replaced by the wail of sirens and jackhammers. One of the last reserves of the beauty of things will be over.

A new geography

For four centuries man has tried to squeeze between islands and ice to fill the gap of the globe. West, based in Canada, seeking the Northwest Passage that would cross the Strait Bering and reach East countries. Dozens of brave captains and crews were lost in that maze sparkling, dead in the grip of a bear or loneliness. Their bodies are on the ice. For its part, Russia wanted to find a route to the northeast, to reach Bering Strait same but along the northern coast of Siberia to place their goods at ports in the Far East. Now, the scheduled end of the Arctic ice cover will both steps. It is an expensive gift.

is true that we have to wait a bit to fifteen years, according to experts, for both steps, the Northeast and Northwest, begin to be operational. Litigation Announced: Canada considers that its sovereignty extends over the Firth released that meanders through the Canadian islands. Maritime law has a different opinion. We are facing a toll project. Also have to be powerful fleet, including nuclear-powered icebreakers and ships with triple-reinforced steel hull able to navigate between the remnants of the debacle. But the expected benefits are substantial. Trade with the Far East passed so far by the Suez Canal or the Panama Canal, which already operate at the limit of their capabilities. Both steps reduce both polar distance and navigation time. With the shortcut through the Arctic, the 21,000 miles that separated London today Tokyo reduced to 14,000. Between Norway and China, the northeast route would save between 15 and 20 days at sea.

battles and coronations, famines and plagues, matching the time of the nations. But the emergence of an unprecedented path, the penetration of an isthmus or a tunnel, the domain of a new sea route may leave more durable traces, produced a new geography. And every time that geography is cleared to make way for another, that's the story moving.

In 1498, the doge of Venice summoned his advisors. Had received a letter with terrifying news: Basque Portuguese navigator Gama had made it through southern Africa the Cape of Storms (renamed Cape of Good Hope). It was a tragedy. Until then, India was only accessible by the long and dangerous overland route which Venice had locked and no one but her. That privilege had built his fortune and glory. Now that India was close to Portugal and across Europe by sea, the city of the Doges was useless.

A world map is cleared, another out of darkness. The atlas is redrawn at full speed. The north pole and Ecuador are adrift. We considered immutable borders are erased. (...)

Writer, author of The Legend of géographie, Albin Michel, Paris, 2009. Translation: Mariana Saul. Le Monde Diplomatique

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How To Secure Live Rock

Present and Future

(Bullet Kalvellido)

The purpose is clear: to convert young people docile, well trained to submission and order.

overwhelm the youth is a win and getting it done without you know it is an eternal victory.

entertain trivial issues, bomb, exercise all the violence.

make them cannon fodder, useful servants. Dehydrate

their consciences, confused until exhaustion.

talk about the spirit, success, free beat to live the delusion of not seeing the factory where they are exploited, not to see unemployment than sinking into poverty, not to see the rope that binds them. Boycott

joy with renditions, with drugs, scams, with fights, with havens that do not exist if not conquered.

Bodies to make them grown in the shadow of ignorance, unable to see the blood that explodes in the veins of the earth, devoid of solidarity, blind to the brutality, castrated of love, tenderness and rage. Make

beings illiterate youth revolution will, in future, the last defeat.

Silvia Delgado Fuentes

vis pacem If

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Homemade Boat Dimensions

You too, Facebook? Norberto Galasso

For Iroel Sánchez.

As if they had fired a secret spring, the beginning of the trial for perjury in the U.S. by Cuban-Venezuelan terrorist Luis Posada Carriles , has blown some masks. In just a few hours agreed the removal of a fence in solidarity with the Cuban Five imprisoned in the U.S. located in Miami , and the closure of the channel YouTube Cubadebate site to disseminate a video related to criminal , but that would not be all.

The complaint about how the company had closed Google Channel videos Cubadebate reached a broad impact. The rejection of what has been an act of censorship in favor of dark alliances with terrorism was immediate. Immediately arose numerous solidarity activities on the Internet, including the creation of a network page on Facebook titled "Censorship of YouTube Cubadebate restored." The new space came many expressions of support, however, few hours after opening, the Facebook page had also been withdrawn.

But as an editorial says Cubadebate which tells what happened, solidarity is stubborn and resourceful, quickly emerged on Facebook group "Censorship YouTube, restored to Cubadebate " the page "To restore Cubadebate. Come on, we will multiply "which at the time of this writing were visible.

solidarity in YouTube also has opened its gaps and spaces and Cubadebatecu Cubadebate1 , and Twitter was created hashtag # Cubadebate for reporting posts that are already circulating widely in several languages.

As apparently this fight is not going to be short, has convened a workshop of ideas under the title " Make your proposal: What if Google is censorship? "where that are collecting suggestions for coping strategies and censorious actions of companies like Google and Facebook.

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Thermal Lined Flannel Shirts


A specter is haunting the intellectual Kirchner. PO is the ghost ... Answering a second public letter attacking Norberto Galasso political independence of workers.

By Jorge Altamira.

response to the second public letter to Jorge Altamira Norberto Galasso released on January 15, 2011.

Norberto Galasso closes its 'second letter to Altamira' with a poignant message: "I salute you by repeating your slogan: Judgement and punish all those responsible for the death of Mariano Ferreyra! Off street gangs of the railroads and the unions which still exist! "

Not every reader will note, however, the double deception of this" happy end "national and popular. On one side the moral fraud - because I do not speak in my text of "death" of Mariano but his "murder" conditions and also because the removal of street gangs to "unions that still exist." Galasso misrepresents my text.

"My motto" nothing says "Down with the covenant CFK-Pedraza, was the gang of the railroads and the unions."

The agreement in question has as protagonists the government, bureaucracy and business friends in the railway management, including strategic Belgrano Cargas, which depends heavily on the future of the soybean row. Pedraza bureaucracy is involved in the murder of Marian, so that there can be no "trial and punishment of all guilty" if the government does not proceed to expel the bureaucracy of the railway management agreement and liquidate itself by taking the integral management.

The union street gangs or other non-government are, on the other hand, a hindrance in termination, as well Galasso know, the Fernandez-Capaccioli mob that attacked the French Hospital workers, or that of Fernandez 'Horse' Suarez attacked the Casino, or the cast of the government of Santa Cruz, the gang of UOCRA, that batters teachers, state and commercial workers, the police killing peasants Insfrán Qom. 'Horse' Smith has been honored for their tasks, by the government, a semi-state shipping company.

With a corporate bureaucracy and nationalization is very difficult for unions to be a defensive weapon of the workers or a training school for their class consciousness, in fact meets the strategic role of handcuffing the action of the working class and make unions as a wheel support of the capitalist state.

What Galasso as "remains" or, as elsewhere, "are trace elements, which not only dominates the trade unions but has been throughout history a gangrene of the whole labor movement. That

Galasso dares to tamper with my expressions above written, defines the style accommodating his 'letter' to the ruling (which of course never came directly but through the extensive media network kirchnerismo, ie the state in the network). Galasso

joins the adulteration of our concepts with an injury to gauge, because referring to the assassination of Trotsky, he asks, "how will you split the brain?".

This, just weeks after the bureaucracy Ramon Mercader murdered Mariano Ferreyra and tried the same with Elsa Rodriguez and two other companions. With that statement, Galasso has been covered with a sea of \u200b\u200bcrap, because while he supported the government isabeliano three A's ("to deepen a process of change for Latin American unification" with the same words used to refer to that now supports), we were among the victims, abducted and murdered by the Triple A.

Galasso The political trick starts another lifeline, beyond these fakes and provocation. Very good your slogan, Altamira, but not divulge, Keep it secret, do not sing it to Tenenbaum, or Julie Blank, or Cárpena. Do not go to Mirta, where the couple made their debut presidential K less to Grondona, in which the 'Chinese' Navarro, Ultra K, is paid to audience, less so for Morales Solá the favorite gathering an infinite range of officials and pimps Ks. Beyond that none of these have been asked, those who did (more for less, political code) had, in the blocks prior or subsequent to mine, a famous K, as the governor Capitanich (which in previous compadrear with Van der Kooy on the fate of Nuls) or Ricardo Forster, who like a good philosopher denounced the expulsion of peasants from their land santiagueños without saying, even once, the name of Governor Kirchner, Zamora.

Galasso says, shamelessly, that this, or visit the K-channels 'destituyentes' is fine, because these characters "will be straight" to their hosts, forgetting that he himself says he would not go "for mental hygiene." If for the Chinese Galasso can hobnob with Grondona, the caller without any hesitation "doctor", overwhelmed by the luxury treatment you receive from Grondona, the charge that we, with the assistance programs 'opposition' would be legitimizing supposedly independent journalism, is a lie. A

everywhere we go with our positions, the same by which the National Committee PO was arrested, enterito under Alfonsin, and I myself was arrested at the Casa Rosada. A report of the Nation last November, the first since the one we did in April 1989, we reached this enemy of the cigarette to proclaim that you do the game to the Mitre. Some articles in The Press (formerly published in Prensa Obrera, which is extracted from Prensa Obrera, and many blogs), not the crime of official gang but on the international capitalist crisis, are also subject to censorship, we should then stop draw our own publications. Galasso

we want to put a muzzle-provided, of course, as a "friendly warning". The only ones who may appear "in the press of the right" are the Kirchner. Galasso, however, ignores a detail: the official media do not invite us. They attack us before we can be replicated. They are the epitome of political cowardice.

The champions of the democratization of the word we encroach on that word.

Last week, National radio read entire Córdoba, the first letter of Galasso, but he would not with our own, until he was forced by the repeated demands of the listeners. This is the media law and K. Galasso The muzzle the PO and the Fourth International and anyone with a combative position politically independent. A state official media dare not discuss, challenge, or confront, on a level playing field, with a militant or popular party, is reduced confessed to a clique of pimps.

The basic charge Galasso's letter as the previous one, is a threat ("Stop fooling around ..."), against the government of the type that makes Pedraza. Galasso had to learn, he says, by his friends in coffee Kornilov (the general who launched a coup to drown in blood the Russian Revolution) is a Russian striker, but could be in Belarus or Bulgaria. If your friends, however, would have spoken of the Argentina team, he would have learned that Carlitos Tevez shot a video to support the struggle of the PO by Mariano, which was passed in the Plaza de Mayo and several channels, but none should be been official. Tevez Galasso did something that neither would have thought: put the body in a popular struggle.

Jauretche was right when he said that to characterize the first government of Peron, the failure to nationalize the Chade (whose electric service contract had been extended for half a century by a radical-majority city council in 1938) was secondary - but illustrated the dependence of the Peronist government of European capital, with much of the nationalization of Perón were worked out by the Foreign Office and Lord Keynes. But Galasso is wrong to say the same for the crime of gang of Pedraza, who is not considered "principal contradiction" of the political situation. Yes it is, it claims a power structure that is indispensable basis to the union bureaucracy and regimentation of the proletariat. For an essentially socialist, because it is the class independence of the working class, the expulsion of the agents of the employers' organizations built by the workers. Otherwise, how do you plan Galasso support of the national bourgeoisie governments from a position, according to independent? Galasso's independent position is an understatement, the uses to quote better, returning to football, where the ruling party repo market.

The historically progressive nature of Peronism only has to do partly with nationalist or social action (hence the reference to Jauretche) is determined, fundamentally, it awakened to political life to the great mass of workers was out of the labor movement at the time, but he did his own methods - regimented or Bonapartist, and the creation of a nationalized union bureaucracy.

Perón was flipped by the Liberator to end the fighting role of workers to undertake adjustment plans that Perón himself had anticipated at the Congress of Productivity. The content bourgeois national movements capitulate to imperialism, from Chiang Kai sek to Peron when they lose or are losing control of workers, their ability to contain them. Since you quoted Trotsky, who was playing first at the time of Kornilov, I remember arguing that national oppression by imperialism exacerbated, not mitigated, the class struggle within the oppressed nation (I quote from memory a text on China, without quotation marks), or the fate of the struggle against imperialism depends on the ability of independent initiative of the exploited - not the subordination of these to the 'national movement'. For the working class can play a decisive role in national struggles (and not be the scapegoat for the surrender and defeat) must occupy an independent position autonomous ultimately self-organize into a party, otherwise the sentence to stand caboose.

After the killing of Mariano, the government, but even more than he his scribes, were determined to blame for the crime of our party, because as a charlatan Argentine Time last week, breaking Pedraza mean, for government, causing its own destabilization. Ie CFK would be unable to rely on the railway workers, who increasingly vote against Pedraza, to neutralize the sabotage of the gang. Come up with the mob, then. For this very reason, this government does not break with Pedraza, apply the crime of extortion against our rail fellow struggling fundamental claims for the whole of the working class, which is outsourced by almost 40%.

Minister 'progressive' Security, it did amount to a disastrous head of Intelligence Battalion 601, orders are imputed to these workers the crime of extortion - an attack on the labor law claim and a cover of extortion of the Ministry of Labour (see Garzón Maceda, an adviser to the union bureaucracy, in Clarín). Why not investigate the role of Pedraza in the excesses of the season Constitution, nor the rail lockouts dropped to release their 'prisoners'.

The shock which created the crime against our fellow Mariano was not motivated by a bloody act committed against a young specimen, but for its political content again, as in 70, by the provision of bureaucracy to resort to murder to keep Acquiescing of trade unions to the employers and the State.

This need to preserve the union submission explains the continuity of the covenant-government gang-rail business, business beyond juicy. We, as socialists, oppose this fundamental contradiction as to the attempt of the bourgeoisie, and especially you, that the exploited must choose between one of the sides of their class enemies. According

Galasso, my statement to The Nation, that "it is false that the country is faced with a choice of right-wing opposition Kirchner" (Quote transcribe Galasso, without taking care to verify their authenticity), it would be the position of 'Mitrismo'. It's the opposite: anti-K and K (and you) claim that the main event happens between them, left and working class struggle should be limited to balconies.

Galasso, as you know by heart: the differences between K and its opponents are not of principle but of degree - and not in all cases to lead the government! -. Defend private ownership of the means of production, monopoly capitalism and international order is the product of that monopoly capitalism. What did you write in your journal when Argentina recently participated in operations Southern Command to 'protect' the Panama Canal, in which participated not only Venezuela and Bolivia? Because you know that all this goes against Chávez and even Ortega, or against the Latin American nationalism, even want to create a separate canal through Nicaragua. Hides it, surely. CFK

with imperialism against the national movement in Latin America, do not you raise your eyebrow done? Why not ask me to censor this complaint to the government not to affect K? This is not Chad, this defines as a pro-imperialist government.

And the antiterrorism law, agreed with the CIA? This is the government of the northeastern mining destroy, kill and loot Andalgalá cancer in Argentina. The oil company, of Cargill, the UIA, the loan sharks who profit from the debt they are buying in droves. "You saw, Galasso, ever, plots of big business (which are the ones that matter), while the price of the country's debt rises to three digits?

international financial capital is voting with their dollars by CFK Did you know, Galasso, the governments of Mercosur signed a free trade agreement with Israel, which already has led to the purchase of Brazilian military companies by U.S. capital-Zionists? Viva Lula, who made Brazil a paradise of national and international capital. Come to this national cause. Let the victory in the first round! Sacrifice the possibility of an electoral development of a social force that relies on the independence struggle of the working class, juguémonos for re-election of one of the variants of finance capital!

course, Galasso, we're not in 1917, the opposite is to hold you, you're a sensationalist as when you say that the world is played in October. We have a more measured approach: developing an alternative socialist politics.

I will ask for advice, Galasso, although I know not what you give me because yours is the last letter, what we do in Catamarca advised that next March, voting for the officer's pants octopus miners, the radical Brizuela, or do you saw the skirts, Corpacci, so that control of K-Waters YMAD Dionisio, to convert the La Alumbrera, in the process of exhaustion, for the benefit of Agua Rica, creating and an octopus destroyer of glaciers, public-private, super-exploited workers and taking all the loot abroad?

Do you think we should vote for one of the two candidates slave labor in the olive groves and vineyards of Catamarca? We, humbly, we have already met in the 2009 national, the necessary votes for one or two provincial legislators. Is not it better that we try, in March, get those legislators, presenting a united front of struggle against imperialist octopus defense of Argentina, Catamarca and two national slogans if any? You see, your kirchnerismo Beretta deadly for national cause.

I send another: Cristina in the first round - Scioli also assume that if you do not win the Jedi. Sabatella not want it, and would have enough votes to lose to De Narváez Scioli. "Cristina to Rosada, the red to La Plata? Even your Chinese friend makes Scioli disgust, which the interviewers assigned a pivotal role in the reelection of CFK, and conditions to support a vice Evita go, again, are functional to De Narváez? Perhaps this is the plan of disinformer Verbitsky, because as you remember, the red opponent was one of the first guests of the K when, in the late 90's, put together the group Calafate.

Cristina, on the other hand, could not be re-elected in 2015 - the successors are the soy Urtubey, biofuel Alperovich, mining Gioja, or the landowner bonaerenese Scioli? Witnessing a process of decomposition called the Front for Victory must offer a way out. By the way, do you remember of your contempt for the class struggle in the 'letter' and your previous magnification of the unfavorable balance of forces? Well, while you dumb to conceal Pedraza, unleashing a revolution that threatens to sweep all the Maghreb degenerate nationalist governments, supported, either, by the French and American imperialism. Of course, do not rush, already said the general, but let us sharpen the weapons, developing an independent political force of workers, socialist revolutionary.

trial and punishment of all responsible for the killing of Mariano. CFK-down pact Pedraza-UGOFE. Effective nationalization of the railroads under the control of the workers organized a union truly independent. Develop a working class political power and socialist revolutionary. Jorge

Altamira18 January 2011.

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