"Urquiza, was the Governor of Entre Ríos Tirano, but it was most of all, the Party Chief of Major Federal Betrayer, and his death, a thousand times deserved, is a tremendous and exemplary justice match as many times slaughtered and sold for him. The reaction of the party should therefore be initiated by an act of political morality, as was the just punishment of the Head Traitor. " (José Hernández, author of Martín Fierro)
military genius and skillful trader, amassed a fortune in a mixture of legitimate businesses, shady and "sold." Had been for many years warlord and governor of his province, but had learned little political "big" except for their own benefit. His false pride, ambition and delusions of grandeur, kept him from seeing the subtle intrigues of politics and diplomacy behind the scenes big, and would be led by British and Brazilian diplomacy, as silly to the bathroom. Egocentric
the end, decorated her "Palacio San José" with its epic battle scenes, and maybe shaving would be reflected in the mirror at himself Alexander, Caesar or Napoleon.
Vain, sickly suspicious suspicious and jealous at shadows and their intimate and caused him uncontrollable furies.
Coronado, (his secretary) reports that "would be two in the afternoon, when General Urquiza retired to their rooms after the conclusion of the meal, which came moments later with a rifle that was in the habit of charging every time he entered the fifth and went to sit at the roundabout, where watched how easily passed in the first and second courtyard of San Jose ... having seen Franklin pass off the young Bond Roses side which was housed, the General rushed like a fury, believing no doubt that Franklin surprise in conversation with his wife with one of his daughters ... a mad frenzy as he threw himself on The youth full of invective while threatening him with the rifle. Franklin attacked in this way, and without weapons to defend themselves, entered the adjoining room, where he was reading the Lord Haedo, and the general came back to haunt him with a savage fury that could well end in a murder, if it does not bend readily attacked the general gun hit him in the chest ... All persons who were in San Jose rushed out and scattered across the field led by a terror, and no other witness so nasty scene ... only heard the cries and lamentations of the wife and members of the family of General screaming from their rooms, and whose voices were mingled with General shameless and blasphemous. Madame de Urquiza, carrying in her arms a child who screamed at her breasts, her hair disheveled, his face bathed in tears are filed in the Registry ... and then angry hyena that a moment before would have devoured all bowed his head, mused, and felt sad and thoughtful "(Coronado, Mysteries of San Jose).
A true leader of his province and faithfully followed by his countrymen, his constant inner struggle was to retain that position and fortune or take on the role of a patriot, "the Liberator" after Home, "the father of the Constitution" in 1852, "The great and good friend "(Pedro II)" The great man of America "(Alberdi)" The Washington of South America "(Mitre after Pavón) Navigating with one foot in each canoe wanted to stay with Rose and flirted with Veron de Astrada, sought the alliance to fight Lopez Buenos Aires and was up alliances with Brazil to subdue Solano López, who called their fumes to go against Buenos Aires, but offered help to British revenge for López at the refusal of this and was offered as a mediator with Americans to win their support. Called federal but compromise with the Liberals without being able to handle, but offered his patriot said Brazil army to some plantains and his own glory.
He lost his pride and his delusions of grandeur. Entangled in the words of praise did not let him see the reality, battered by a politics that does not understand, chose to retire to his personal fiefdom to take care of his fortune and glory.
During the first block and subsequent gasping French Anglo-French, had been flirting with the enemy, wanting to "decide" to form an independent republic in Mesopotamia (Entre Ríos and Corrientes, and perhaps Paraguay and Banda Oriental), with himself as "Supreme," which earned him some "tight ball" by part of Rosas, as that after the Treaty of Alcaraz.
Each "bent" against Rosas, Rosas got some benefit from that knowing that oxen plowing, he was pulling rope or skillfully, without cutting the rope. However, during the war with Brazil (the Confederacy had won beforehand) miscalculated Rosas and Urquiza never thought she would throw away his "Federal patriotism, his honor and to his" posthumous memory "and will happen to the enemy with all the army of the Confederacy, a plantain and a glory that never received or knew to get. Following
Home, battered by unitary Masons and doctors, Brazilian, English and even Lopez finally "erased" in Pavón, perhaps disillusioned, tired or "sold", and retire to his palace in San Jose to enjoy his fame and fortune to death Jordan Lopez's hands, unable to take the grave or a patacón of many that have taken in various betrayals. Just if you would have known that managed to save the "official historians", for posterity, and some street names and monuments, such as misplaced wherever the private ranch of Juan Manuel. (Av. Figueroa Alcorta and "Sarmiento", no less)
"We have absolute trust in the Lord General Mitre, he wrote to Chacho "His intentions are honest, what I can to strengthen national institutions in full force on the basis of order and fraternity" (Varela Urquiza. San Jose. 21 November 1863. AGNA Arch. Urquiza, leg. 77. AGM. "Processing ..." t. II. p.122)
But little was served patacones "who knew how to get" or the glory that could not hold "Home as soon as he was sorry and wanted to call to Rose to come to" take the potatoes from the fire: "There is only one man to govern the Nation Argentina, and Don Juan Manuel de Rosas. I'm ready to beg him to return Here "(May, 1852. Urquiza English representative Gore, starting to gather for the meeting in San Nicolas. JM Rosa. Volume VI. P.34) But it was late and the mace was made. Rosas, defeated by time, by the daunting task personnel for 20 years in office, and the whole unit and traitors, by Brazilians, English, French and traitors had been defeated in Home and had retired into exile, saying the resignation: "If nothing else we have done, is that we have not." And would not return, even though not requested by the Federal Urquiza who wanted to bring a revolution, which had never been joined Rosas "against a legally constituted government" Urquiza
tried to correct his error in part and raised the seizure of personal property of Roses, (he did and was soon to be governor) and Terrero allowed to sell the farm "San Martín" de Rosas (other goods again confiscate the unit, among other things to pay the bonoleros) and even sent him a few pesos to England (which Rosa was kind enough to thank you). But it was too late, and Rose was on his farm in England, retired from politics, living modestly on his personal work and ordered his papers to the trial of history.
"Good Feelings we keep the same that contributed to his downfall, do not forget the consideration being that has become so great figure in the country and services that will be very high and I am the first to recognize services whose glory no one can steal. " (1858. Justo José de Urquiza. Letter to Roses August 24, 1858. Extracted from the book by Mario César Gras "Rosas and Urquiza. His relations after Home." DTIS. The Author. Buenos Aires 1948.) Precisely Urquiza was "who wanted to steal the glory, but could not"
Brazil's empire was falling apart by their own internal struggles (abolition of slavery among others), engaged in a statement war with the Confederacy and a war lost before it started, as a last resort to turn her compromised situation, makes Urquiza reach a proposed alliance or at least stay out of the fight. Urquiza "offended in his honor" answers in writing to Empire, by also publish the notice in the newspaper Federal Entre-Riano "
" I, Governor and Captain General of the province of Entre Rios, part of the Confederation Argentina and general in his army chief of operations he had seen to it or its ally the Republic in a war in which vents are hereby life and death issues vital to their existence and sovereignty ... How do you think, for Brazil, as has been imagined for a moment, it would remain cold and unmoved spectator of this contest that is played no less than the fate of our nation or its most sacred prerogatives without betraying my country, no break the indissoluble links that bind me to it, without clearing with the shameful stain all my background? ... Brazil must be certain that General Urquiza with 14 or 16 Entre Rios and Corrientes has at his command will know, if you indicated, dealing in the fields of battle for the rights of the fatherland and sacrifice, if need be, its person, its interests and how has "
... and not happy with the single response in the same newspaper The Federal Entre-Riano "means publish the editorial:" ... the whole world Know that when we induce an alien power, It would be the fact that it will look indestructible immortal next general Urquiza his honorable friend the great Rosas, being the first with his noble sword avenge the American "Then
and plantains in the middle, takes its role as a traitor (always was) and passed to the enemy with the whole army of the Confederation, giving a victory to Brazil, without imagining, was the revenge of Ituzaingó, winning with through "diplomacy" and the Argentine arms and war lost.
betrayal was so treacherous that not even the Brazilians could not believe it, and Pontes (Brazilian diplomat) asked: "But Urquhart will work in good faith"? ... Not a comedy between him and Roses? ... ! The general of the armies of the Confederacy ... ¡¡¡(... Could not believe it ...) (See "The Miracle of the House of Braganza)
The Marquis of Caxias, head of the Brazilian troops in Caseros, informs the War Minister Souza de Melo: "The 1 st Division, art form of the allied army that marched on Buenos Aires, did wonders for recovering value the honor of the Brazilian arms lost February 27, 1827. "(That is the battle of Ituzaingó, victory for the Argentine troops) No wonder then that, despite the defeat of Rosas was on 3 February the triumphant entry of the troops of the Argentine-Brazilian alliance has produced just 20. No doubt it was an imposition of Brazilians Urquiza complied.
Argentina boss without consultation seemed to repent and decide that the parade will take place on 19, but his Brazilian is adamant: "A victory Desta campaha e uma vitoria Brazilian Imperial Divisao ea em Buenos Aires com enter all honor as to lhe sao quer Devidas V. Exia convenient ache or ship "Urquiza
refuses to return the flag Ituzaingo who were in the cathedral and try one last strategy to avoid the dishonor to his countrymen to march in front of foreign troops. Erroneously reported the time of the parade. Starts up with a temper that will hold throughout the ceremony, mounted on a horse with the mark of Rosas, Sarmiento describes as "magnificent." To the dismay of the unit sports a wide scarlet headband on his lapel, claiming to be Federal. Not even go to the podium where he was expected by officials, diplomats and notables, perhaps so that the ceremony was over as soon as possible, before the imperial troops started their triumphal procession "(Pacho O'Donnell, The Eagle Warrior) ... Apparently Urquiza immediately regretted what he did. ... (Brazilian timid to demand conditions ... is why the "prodigies of valor")
Home A few days after (day 9) and a few days before the parade, there was a significant fact: Honorio, the representative of the Emperor of Brazil, attends Palermo on 9 to meet with the loser of Caseros. But he feels so disgusted by the bodies hanging everywhere, rotting in the foliage of the trees, who decides to return the next day. Then there is a roughly when the Brazilian dialogue reminds Argentina territorial concessions should be made by the support.
Urquiza, furious, replied that it was Brazil who owes him, for "Roses had ended with the Emperor and even the Brazilian unit if not for my" ... Also ... "If I had stayed next to Rose, there would be at this time Emperor Honorius
(Brazilian) withdrew injured. But days later receive a visit from Diogenes Urquiza, Justo José's son, who on behalf of his father tells 100,000 patacones and also "the commitment to have that subsidy on," Honorio as reported by their government. And added "Given the desirability of giving in the present circumstances a test of generosity and desire to cultivate the alliance, I realized that I could not refuse him the favor" (Pacho O'Donnell, The Eagle Warrior) ... dull to ask some "heroes" of official history.
Urquiza was "bought" by Brazil to betray his country at the 1852-thing that testifies the same Sarmiento, who writes on 13/10/1852 Urquiza from Chile and him saying:
"I spent two months in the court of Brazil, trade almost intimate of statesmen of that country, and I know all details, general, and the agreements and transactions which IS in the league came against Rosas. All this, not known to the public today, is now the domain of history and is filed under the Foreign Ministries of Brazil and Uruguay. "(...)" I fell face shame to hear that Envoy (Honorio Hermeto Carneiro Leão, or Indobregavel) refer the irritating scene, and comments: "Yes, the millions that we had to buy to overthrow Rosas! Even after coming to Buenos Aires wanted to give him one hundred thousand dollars per month, while obscuring the brightness of our weapons in Monte Caseros to attribute only honors of victory. "(Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Letter of Yungay, 10/13/1852)
Brazil was the second largest after the English, who triumphantly paraded through Buenos Aires. After "a Batalha de Monte-Home", the troops of Dom Pedro II. delayed their march through the streets of Buenos Aires from day 3 until February 20 to commemorate the defeat of the Confederacy what was called "the revenge of Ituzaingó" 25 years of imperial defeat. Caxias sent on February 12, 1852 the battle of his Minister of War, and Mello Souza "... Notice is hereby given Your Excellency, to convey to His Majesty the Emperor, that the above 1a. Division, part of the Allied army that marched on Buenos Aires, did wonders for recovering value the honor of the Brazilian arms lost the February 20, 1827 "
Urquiza wanted to prevent the entry into Brazil's victory in Buenos Aires on February 20 -perhaps illustrated by someone at the last minute, but his commanders sent him away imperial packing. Manuel Marques de Souza, Vicomte de Porto Alegre, Urquiza answered with a snub: "A victory in this Campanha e uma vitoria Imperial Brazil ea Divisão em Buenos Aires com enter all honors that lhe são as Devidas, quer V. Ex-CIA. convenient or ache não. "(Gustavo Barroso, A Guerra do Rosas, 159)
Some historians little information about Home, smiling indulgently to find that in the history books call Brazilian winner of Monte Caseros Brigadier Marques de Souza, Viscount Porto Alegre, Gustavo Barroso answered:
"... we are in Brazil in the sweet illusion that the Brazilian Division of Manuel Marques de Souza was what really decided the battle of Caseros. And even though their role has not been the main, the Viscount of Porto Alegre was one of the victors of the war and could be called by Jourdan winner, without exaggeration, as it does. We know perfectly well that not having never defeated an Argentine general our troops on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, and marched triumphantly into it with their flags flying troops to the rhythm of music, albeit with our revolutionary, is not nice for our very friendly neighbors that the Vicomte de Porto Alegre has achieved the glory "(A Guerra do Rosas, 143-144)
no doubt that Barroso, at least in his last sentence is right. Urquiza, according to Sarmiento, 13.10.1852, bought by Brazil, had nothing to say and only obey, as we saw, "Dear V. Excitation. não ache or desirable. "Caxias and the Marques de Souza wanted to have in Buenos Aires Ituzaingó trophies were kept in the cathedral. Urquiza had to accept at first, but it was the Emperor Dom Pedro II. who objected: "Playing impopularizarse these relics would justify a revolt of feeling hurt legitimate national susceptibility imperial government should not," he reportedly told Andrés Lamas. (Peter S. Lamas, Stages of a great political)
Urquiza would last the joy of victory traitor. After shooting, among others, Chilavert, Santa Coloma and the entire battalion full Aquino, (who left hanging for several days of a tree of Palermo) should delay the parade grand entrance until 20 February, to celebrate Brazilian demand a rematch of the Battle of Ituzaingó. Finally he did a poncho and hat with scarlet ribbon and mounted on a horse with the mark of Roses, and the worst mood. In no time would the demands of Brazil to fulfill the treaty of alliance (delivery of the Eastern, Eastern missions, the recognition of Paraguayan independence and the return of the "war costs) would also top the British demanding the abrogation of treaties of Roses, and the unit who were masters of the revolution and began plotting immediately.
strands of February 21, 1852 restored the use of scarlet headband and the unit called "rogue items that were on collision with the power of public opinion and succumbed without honor in demand. Today poke their head and, after so many disappointments, of so much blood, they strive to become creditors to the wild popularity of individual and hated with unprecedented fearlessness, claim the inheritance of a revolution that is not theirs, a country whose tranquility disturbed , which promised independence and freedom which they sacrificed to their ambition, "
1852" There is only one man to govern the Nation Argentina, and Don Juan Manuel de Rosas. I'm ready to beg him to come back here "(Urquiza English representative Gore, starting to gather for the meeting, San Nicolas. May 1952. JM Rosa. Volume VI. P.34)
1858" Good I keep the same feelings that contributed to his downfall, do not forget the consideration being that has become so great figure in the country and very high service they owe and that I am the first to recognize services whose glory no one can snatch ". (Justo José de Urquiza. Letter to Roses August 24, 1858. Extracted from the book by Mario César Gras "Rosas and Urquiza. His relations after Home." DTIS. The Author. Bs 1948.)
"Reflects the acquisition to disarm the adversary, as the province of Entre Rios, excellent and admirable horsemen, but were not poor infantry. And so was set aside as a value Urquiza fighter ... There was no Urquiza paste a statesman, not a condottiere passed ... Thus remained inactive. In fact, betrayed them all. Brazil took care to render it harmless. Urquiza, despite being immensely rich, was an immoderate love fortune, General Osorio knew her weak side "(J. Panda Cológeras." historical Formação do Brasil ". JMR TVII. P117) The Brazilian general Osorio who commanded the cavalry Brazilian Home in 1851, knew the "weak side" of Urquiza
"All my life I was constantly tormented by the memory of the outrageous crime that I committed to cooperate in the way I did, to the fall of General Rosas. Fear always be measured by the same yardstick and died with the same knife, the same as for my efforts and serious errors, I have placed in power. "(Excerpt from a letter of Urquiza Tucuman after 18 years, home- dated March 3, 1870 and published in folio, 326. tomo3 History of the Govt. of the Argentine provinces of A. Zinny, ed. 192 º - Raul appointment Rivanera Carlés, P. Rosas 13)
Urquiza juice always "two points" and betrayed "at both ends." Own economic interests and their dreams of "Supreme" to the Confederation or at least one independent Mesopotamian Republic:
- The treaty attempts to separate Alcaraz with Corrientes and Paraguay (Rosas made him turn back)
- In 1847, Anglo-French-unit full assault the enemy tried to separate the Mesopotamia.
- At Home and turned over to the enemy "with all the army of the Confederacy" (and took his good patacones)
- In the decade of 1850 "played" to ally with Lopez of Paraguay and Brazil and England traded with, and even offered people and territory to Paraguay assault.
- In Pavón "erases" the Palacio San José and let the duo Mitre, Sarmiento press the provinces and slaughter all federal (military or not, and even poor gauchos)
- I promised to Chacha "pronounced" in his favor, and "left alone" to be massacred.
- I did the same with Felipe Varela: "We have absolute confidence in Mr Mitre - wrote to Chacho - His intentions are honest, what I can to strengthen national institutions in full force on the basis of order and fraternity "(Varela Urquiza. San Jose. November 21, 1863. AGNA Arch. Urquiza, leg. 77 . AGM. "Processing ..." t. II. p.122)
- In the preliminaries of the war in Paraguay became Lopez's friend and is "pronounced" against Mitre. He sold the horse to Brazil at a good price, and was to charge a British banking Mitre and his treason against Paraguay, as a vulgar blackmailer.
"Won (Urquiza) the battle of Pavon and Buenos Aires gave him victory, leaving home and leaving the battlefield in the hands of the vanquished.
captained Brazil to shake off the tyrannical influence of Buenos Aires, today marks the orders of the two countries against the interior.
worked for the cause of the provinces now working against them, for the sake of Buenos Aires. Represented
Argentine nationalism: today is the left-handed arm localism of Buenos Aires against Argentina.
The agreement, in reforming the Constitution in the triple alliance, which signed Urquiza Buenos Aires written by the pen of Victor ". (Juan Bautista Alberdi)
"Tyrant Urquiza was the Governor of Entre Rios, but it was more the whole Party Chief of Major Federal Betrayer, and his death, a thousand times deserved, is a tremendous and exemplary justice of the match as many times sacrificed and sold by him. The reaction of the party should therefore be initiated by an act of political morality, as was the just punishment of the chief traitor "(José Hernández, Ricardo López Jordán letter, dated Buenos Aires on October 7, 1870)
"El Tigre de Montiel"
"The Caguetón" Implemented by Taboada, in a letter to Anselmo Rojo.
"The South American Guazetón" Long live the South American Guazetón! Exclaimed the Indian Monsoon, wanting to express: the Washington Sudamericano Viva! As he had been taught. As a result of these, the Indian Monsoon was to come up with their bones to jail.
"Crazy Wild Traitor" The people of Buenos Aires to learn the delivery of Urquiza.
"The Morao" De Hilario Ascasubi in "La Media Caña de los Libres." "At the Corrientes Urquiza Morao Friza takes out." "Mora" gauchezca speech, vile, lazy, cowardly.
"The Quiscudo" (from quisca: spine, pick some vegetables) Mote given by Manuel Taboada.
- Rosa, José María: History Argentina.
- Garcia de Mello, Atilio. Process of counterfeiters in the history of Paraguay. Theory.
- Saldías, Adolfo. Argentina Confederation's history.
- Lappas Alcibiades "Masonry Argentina through its men" (Buenos Aires1966)
- Chávez, Fermín. Life and Death of Lee Jordan.
- Coronado Juan, Mysteries of San Jose.
- Cutolo-Ibarguren. Nicknames and denominated in the history of Argentina.
- Garcia de Mello, Atilio. Process of counterfeiters in the history of Paraguay. Theory.
- Saldías, Adolfo. Argentina Confederation's history.
- Lappas Alcibiades "Masonry Argentina through its men" (Buenos Aires1966)
- Chávez, Fermín. Life and Death of Lee Jordan.
- Coronado Juan, Mysteries of San Jose.
- Cutolo-Ibarguren. Nicknames and denominated in the history of Argentina.