Juan Carlos Cena.
The train Brazilian.
The Empire of Brazil has never abandoned his ambition on the domain of the east bank of the Rio de la Plata. When he was defeated in Ituzaingó by the United Provinces of Río de la Plata, in the war between the two powers (1825-1828), seemed frustrated forever Brazilian ambitions to join the Banda Oriental del Uruguay, which had remained under his domain since 1821.
The preliminary peace agreement signed in Rio de Janeiro on August 27, 1828, made clear that HM Emperor declared "separate from the territory of the Empire of Brazil, so you can become free and independent state to the region East (Art) and that both parties are obliged to defend the independence and integrity of the Province of Montevideo." (Art. ) AGM.t.1.p.98). Source: Federal Gazette
Just 20 months after the signing of the agreement is sent to Europe by the Marquis de Santo Amaro with the following statement: "Quanto ao novo Eastern State province ou nao cisplatin that do face part Argentine territory that incorporated já esteve ao Brazil or prune nao outro be independent from the state, VE will promptly and openly gives nesessidade of incorporation as outra year after Empire. E'o vulneravel side only do Brazil. E'dificil if imposivel ship, Suppress as mutual hostility or two people be without prejudice to impunity malfazejos do outra um e Fronteira. Natural boundary E'o do Imperio (Itamaraty Instructions signed by Miguel Calmou du Pin e Almeida, Vicomte de Abrantes, 21 April 1830. AGM.t1.p.498)
In 1864 the American minister at Rio de Janeiro, informed his government that "This is and has long been the ardent desire of Brazil ... I was not surprised by anything ... I visited a gentleman connected with the government, which came manifestly In order to inquire of me that think the Government United States. Source: Federal Gazette .
The Brazilian forward is not surprising, because the empire moved from the very discovery of America, advancing on the provinces of Plata, and the sad thing with the complicity or indifference of our government and "leaders." Always intrigued to weaken and divide the Confederacy, and if he could not win anything, at least as segregated, as was the case in Uruguay and Paraguay, and by chance did not separate the Mesopotamia as proposed by the unit and had practically agreed with Urquiza Alcaraz Treaty, which flatly rejected Rosas.
Rosas was overthrown (by the Brazilian and the complicity of Urquiza and unit), and after the pact Pavón (Mitre, Urquiza) they cleared land was sufficient to dominate the interior. Just five years after the fall of Rosas, General Tomas Guido wrote to a friend: "It is embarrassing to see how come the Brazilians to get into trouble the Parana River, just five years after the fall of Roses" was a Mitre
traitors to the English and Brazilian service. Elizalde's own minister (minister while employed by British companies) said it was "the only Lord who speaks English with an accent Catamarca. Mitre itself, used as a puppet in the war against Paraguay, said The Brazilian "did you spit or swallow bitter sweet." Source The Federal Gazette
Unfortunately Urquiza shamefully sold. Home also participated in the same Sarmiento and Mitre, the three which would then be those who subdue the interior, carried out the shameful war against Paraguay, and finally (and died a traitor Urquiza) Jordanian repression in Entre Rios, the last bastion federal.
The Paraguay War was the culmination of the Brazilian forward, carried out with the complicity stupid Mitre and Sarmiento. Juan Bautista Alberdi said that war was the "Triple Alliance empire of Brazil, the oligarchy Buenos Aires and the Uruguayan financiers, against the provinces of Rio de la Plata. " Actually was. The interior provinces fiercely opposed the war. Brazil got what he wanted. Source The Federal Gazette
After that, with few exceptions, everything was centralized in Buenos Aires and deliver or negotiate with the outside backs in the country and embarrassed now see legislators who vote against their sale and provinces and governors kneel for alms, with the provinces the true owners of wealth. While Neuquén (to cite just one example) produces energy, pay more expensive than in Buenos Aires, and while a Rioja harvest a pumpkin taxed in Buenos Aires for the central political patronage. I think that the
not understand our history, and their lies, this will continue, as in a vicious circle. Corrupted space that has to do with the silence of the colonized, whether politicians, unionists, intellectuals, academics and the like. Examples
settlement is too much. A pattern will never accounted for, is the accumulated knowledge of the colonized, it is wrong to sell to the colonies by the native sepoys as a commodity, or sale of businesses, there is no more out profitable, very low price. Let us briefly
colonization of our industry through of Brazilian international cartels that continues at this time. Source the Ferrocidio 2nd edition - my authorship.
Petrobras in July 2002 bought 58% of Perez Companc, Argentina's second-largest oil for U.S. $ 754.6 million in cash, bonds and another $ 370 million and U.S. $ 2,200 million of debt. In total, U.S. $ 3,381 million.
InBev group in 2002 (ex-AmBev, ex-Brahma) began the purchase of Quilmes Industrial, which owns 60% of the beer market and Baesa, the local owner of Pepsi. Between 2002 and 2006, InBev paid U.S. $ 1,900 million.
In April 2005 the group acquired Camargo Correa Fortabat Amalita Loma Negra, at U.S. $ 1,025 million. Now controls 47% of Argentine cement and rock ex FFCC del Sud
Since 2005, JBS-Friboi group bought the Swift, the former CEPA, Livestock and Col Appropriations Car Another Brazilian Marfrig acquired the Quickfood, South Maryi breaks. Would have more news after the election. Belgo
Minheira was buying Acindar, producer of construction steel, since the late '90s. Now he wants to buy the remaining 35% to U.S. $ 542 million. Acindar control today in Brazil, will go to Spain.
Santista Textile, Camargo Correa, who also bought Grafa and then sold a portion (sheets and dust) to Coteminas. Now Camargo Alpargatas also acquired, from São Paulo Alpargatas controlled.
Brazil's Marcopolo, the largest collective body manufacturer announced (01/11/2008) buying 33% stake in Metalpar Argentina. Metalpar Argentina has a local market share of 68% of passenger vehicles, and has an annual production of 1,500 units and 2,800 projected for this year. That is, if it has no safety program which ensure sales opportunities.
Gafor Brazilian group acquired the entire stake in MDL Logistics Transport International, a company specializing in cargo transportation throughout Mercosur. Expand its operation throughout the territories of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. It has a fleet of 2,600 trucks equipment.
Furthermore Vale do Rio Doce of Brazil acquire Minera La Alumbrera, Anglo-Swiss firm Xstrata. Provide 90,000 million dollars. Reflect a little brutal offering this amount how much value there is in the basement of that mine? This amount is ours, of the Nation. Are sold and distributed national assets, and he and previous governments keep a silence of traitors.
Vale Do Rio Doce, now are the new owners of the mines of potassium is buying Rio Tinto, the Anglo-Australian potash mine in the south of Mendoza, in nearby Rincon de los Sauces, in addition to a state of exploration project in Canada, for $ s $ 850 million, and the Corumbá iron ore mine in Brazil for u $ s 750 billion, coming to invest U.S. $ s 1.6 billion for everything. Ferrocidio source the 2nd edition of my authorship.
All amounts relating to gains on sales to large international groups do not return, nor go through the country. Swell the coffers of the colonizer (*). Not return to reinvest in the country, ie do not return, is pure looting of our wealth. That means a depletion of the national capital.
Neither this nor the previous government, have outlined only a hypocritical attempt to require that the volume of such marketings return and reinvested back into a productive sector development. Of course, this government and gurus posing as opponents claim the cries foreign investment.
As I say that not only invade us to bring our wealth and enslave our territorial sovereignty, but we will acquire the aircraft without the colonial Brazilian international bidding contest. Is clear evidence of a State doblegación colonized by a rising sub-imperialism.
We can not say as some intellectuals multiple candidates, it is preferable to allow Brazilian capital and non-Americans or Europeans, as if the country had financial capital. A whole childish.
The transnationalization of freight trains
They help to this project of colonial penetration Brazilian multinationals, directly or indirectly. A Camargo Correa is the main shareholder of the company Loma Negra, which in turn owns shares of FERROSUR, a company that has awarded the concession of the railway corridor of the former freight line Roca, covering all wet pampa the province of Buenos Aires. Its previous owner was Amalita Fortabat, Loma Negra sold the company in the tune of U $ S 1.025 million to Camargo Correa. The other transnational
Agrenco Brazilian is that administers ALL (America Latina Logistica), a company that bought the shares to Pescarmona, winner of the branches belonging to San Martin and FC FC Urquiza. That is, with the acquisition of both the Brazilian stock packages, travel throughout the country on an infrastructure that is the Argentine State, more precisely of the Nation.
I used to own and carry loads of multinationals, to the Pacific Ocean. The two Brazilian transnational cover much of the richest territory of our country. ALL, is the company that has produced the greatest amount of rail accidents.
Brazilians passing through our lines. Go side by side for our country on our own tracks, they now have to the Pacific. Any resemblance to British colonialism is only by blood.
No one voice that rises from the political, intellectual or union and questioning the appropriation of territorial sovereignty by these settlers from the territory crossed. Times worse than the English. The railways were owned by the British and sepoys shift territory was granted but on condition that built the railroads.
not the case today. The railways are franchised (rented), the Brazilians do not own territorial sovereignty but they have not built anything, only destruction can be seen at the side of the tracks and embankments. Ie to specify. The structures are of Argentina and their land.
What we see is that the Brazilian colonization colonized natives has made much more decadent than the previous traitors.
The British used the railway in the world and its colonies, as a tool of colonial penetration.
is worth asking: What role did the railroads under the geopolitical point of view when they were in state hands, and what role now? Currently out of trampling our sovereignty and national laws, the Brazilians, save fossil fuel, accident insurance resources, prevent deterioration and pollution in their own roads, etc.
This distortion of the trans must be added the assurance given by the government of former President Kirchner to charge other dealers on the continuation of their contracts. Here is an example.
The same happens with the dealers in the metropolitan railways (suburban passenger)
Itamaraty strategy: "Marcos Azambuja, former Brazilian ambassador to Argentina between 1993 and 1996, could say that" Argentina is the only country important for Brazil for which Brazil is important. " If the aphorism is still valid (hopefully so, and the fact that President Rousseff come to our country in his first trip abroad seems to confirm), if you have to live with a giant, it is good that you like me nice "Source This article - Brazil 2011: the Big Brother diary Sunday Profile 9-January 2010 - Rafael Bielsa.
"Let us be important for Brazil contains a possible paradox and a number of specific challenges. The paradox can be summarized as follows: the giant of a country often come at the expense of stunting their sphere of influence. However, if the competitiveness and aggressiveness Brazil's trade affect Argentina's economy, this would lead to local problems that conspire against the need for Brazil is that we are important "Source: Same
But Big Brother, saying Bielsa, appointed Deputy Consul Carlos Brazil Reis. It said some time ago by the Cuyo area that Brazil decided to put a Consulate General with jurisdiction over San Juan and San Luis.
ask, Do you have appointed to meet a political friend and leave hidden in the foothills beyond arid and hostile? Let us rather spied ...
Mendoza sends more than 40% of its production to Brazil Cuyo sources said. Since we can infer that the purpose of this appointment was not to hide any subject, giving a good position, or for monitoring the production of olives, onions, garlic, or wine, or other products, but the mineral. It's just like that thing, you have to monitor the content of the belly of the Osco in that area, ie the existence of mineral prospect. Potash mines are an example (see the train of potassium by this page) As interest in the Brazilian company Vale by the mine the Louvre in Tucumán - Catamarca. All
strategic policy Brazilian Big Brother on the way to become the hegemonic power of Mercosur, or a sub-imperialism by the grace of the abuse had on rickets in neighboring countries, not as brothers. Pathetic
rickets qualification of colonialist and expansionist policy in Brazil by this former Argentine foreign minister, a former liberal, a real ex ... stunted.
is no coincidence that the president of Brazil to Argentina to visit, is part of a state policy of the Brazilian nation that if you have "coherence" designed from the beginning, launched and controlled from the palace of Itamaraty. All geopolitical conception of that State who is headed for consolidation as a rule, in this case border.
To stop the looting of our wealth and stop being a colonized country, listen and take careful note what the teacher said Scalabrini Ortiz: Regaining the political and economic domination of our homeland is our duty to ourselves, our children and for our children's children. It is not easy but neither action is an action unapproachable. The revolutionaries of 1810, from which we come, we gave the example that nothing can resist the will of man in the service of a great cause.
to us to its realization. Do not expect others to do what we are not able to do. Governments can not do but what people know to ask with authority and firmness. Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz - History Railways
accumulation numbers in case of Big Brother. ** The dizzying panorama flight complete with a comparison with two impressive and astounding book. While in the first half of 2009, investments of private enterprises amounted to U.S. $ 66 billion in same period of 2010 climbed to $ 289 billion. International reserves are at $ 250 billion. Ditto Profile Source article. Just as an illustration.
Juan Carlos Cena is a founding member Mo.Na.Re.FA
The train Brazilian.
"You are one of Argentine intellectuals who always saw clearly the real enemy." "Maybe an error on our part was not having ever seen our government as a secular stage of the struggle against England which begins with the British invasions" The enemy is history same. Peron wrote to Scalabrini Ortiz.
Brazilians colonize us in several areas a feasible but history. The Empire of Brazil has never abandoned his ambition on the domain of the east bank of the Rio de la Plata. When he was defeated in Ituzaingó by the United Provinces of Río de la Plata, in the war between the two powers (1825-1828), seemed frustrated forever Brazilian ambitions to join the Banda Oriental del Uruguay, which had remained under his domain since 1821.
The preliminary peace agreement signed in Rio de Janeiro on August 27, 1828, made clear that HM Emperor declared "separate from the territory of the Empire of Brazil, so you can become free and independent state to the region East (Art) and that both parties are obliged to defend the independence and integrity of the Province of Montevideo." (Art. ) AGM.t.1.p.98). Source: Federal Gazette
Just 20 months after the signing of the agreement is sent to Europe by the Marquis de Santo Amaro with the following statement: "Quanto ao novo Eastern State province ou nao cisplatin that do face part Argentine territory that incorporated já esteve ao Brazil or prune nao outro be independent from the state, VE will promptly and openly gives nesessidade of incorporation as outra year after Empire. E'o vulneravel side only do Brazil. E'dificil if imposivel ship, Suppress as mutual hostility or two people be without prejudice to impunity malfazejos do outra um e Fronteira. Natural boundary E'o do Imperio (Itamaraty Instructions signed by Miguel Calmou du Pin e Almeida, Vicomte de Abrantes, 21 April 1830. AGM.t1.p.498)
In 1864 the American minister at Rio de Janeiro, informed his government that "This is and has long been the ardent desire of Brazil ... I was not surprised by anything ... I visited a gentleman connected with the government, which came manifestly In order to inquire of me that think the Government United States. Source: Federal Gazette .
The Brazilian forward is not surprising, because the empire moved from the very discovery of America, advancing on the provinces of Plata, and the sad thing with the complicity or indifference of our government and "leaders." Always intrigued to weaken and divide the Confederacy, and if he could not win anything, at least as segregated, as was the case in Uruguay and Paraguay, and by chance did not separate the Mesopotamia as proposed by the unit and had practically agreed with Urquiza Alcaraz Treaty, which flatly rejected Rosas.
Rosas was overthrown (by the Brazilian and the complicity of Urquiza and unit), and after the pact Pavón (Mitre, Urquiza) they cleared land was sufficient to dominate the interior. Just five years after the fall of Rosas, General Tomas Guido wrote to a friend: "It is embarrassing to see how come the Brazilians to get into trouble the Parana River, just five years after the fall of Roses" was a Mitre
traitors to the English and Brazilian service. Elizalde's own minister (minister while employed by British companies) said it was "the only Lord who speaks English with an accent Catamarca. Mitre itself, used as a puppet in the war against Paraguay, said The Brazilian "did you spit or swallow bitter sweet." Source The Federal Gazette
Unfortunately Urquiza shamefully sold. Home also participated in the same Sarmiento and Mitre, the three which would then be those who subdue the interior, carried out the shameful war against Paraguay, and finally (and died a traitor Urquiza) Jordanian repression in Entre Rios, the last bastion federal.
The Paraguay War was the culmination of the Brazilian forward, carried out with the complicity stupid Mitre and Sarmiento. Juan Bautista Alberdi said that war was the "Triple Alliance empire of Brazil, the oligarchy Buenos Aires and the Uruguayan financiers, against the provinces of Rio de la Plata. " Actually was. The interior provinces fiercely opposed the war. Brazil got what he wanted. Source The Federal Gazette
After that, with few exceptions, everything was centralized in Buenos Aires and deliver or negotiate with the outside backs in the country and embarrassed now see legislators who vote against their sale and provinces and governors kneel for alms, with the provinces the true owners of wealth. While Neuquén (to cite just one example) produces energy, pay more expensive than in Buenos Aires, and while a Rioja harvest a pumpkin taxed in Buenos Aires for the central political patronage. I think that the
not understand our history, and their lies, this will continue, as in a vicious circle. Corrupted space that has to do with the silence of the colonized, whether politicians, unionists, intellectuals, academics and the like. Examples
settlement is too much. A pattern will never accounted for, is the accumulated knowledge of the colonized, it is wrong to sell to the colonies by the native sepoys as a commodity, or sale of businesses, there is no more out profitable, very low price. Let us briefly
colonization of our industry through of Brazilian international cartels that continues at this time. Source the Ferrocidio 2nd edition - my authorship.
Petrobras in July 2002 bought 58% of Perez Companc, Argentina's second-largest oil for U.S. $ 754.6 million in cash, bonds and another $ 370 million and U.S. $ 2,200 million of debt. In total, U.S. $ 3,381 million.
InBev group in 2002 (ex-AmBev, ex-Brahma) began the purchase of Quilmes Industrial, which owns 60% of the beer market and Baesa, the local owner of Pepsi. Between 2002 and 2006, InBev paid U.S. $ 1,900 million.
In April 2005 the group acquired Camargo Correa Fortabat Amalita Loma Negra, at U.S. $ 1,025 million. Now controls 47% of Argentine cement and rock ex FFCC del Sud
Since 2005, JBS-Friboi group bought the Swift, the former CEPA, Livestock and Col Appropriations Car Another Brazilian Marfrig acquired the Quickfood, South Maryi breaks. Would have more news after the election. Belgo
Minheira was buying Acindar, producer of construction steel, since the late '90s. Now he wants to buy the remaining 35% to U.S. $ 542 million. Acindar control today in Brazil, will go to Spain.
Santista Textile, Camargo Correa, who also bought Grafa and then sold a portion (sheets and dust) to Coteminas. Now Camargo Alpargatas also acquired, from São Paulo Alpargatas controlled.
Brazil's Marcopolo, the largest collective body manufacturer announced (01/11/2008) buying 33% stake in Metalpar Argentina. Metalpar Argentina has a local market share of 68% of passenger vehicles, and has an annual production of 1,500 units and 2,800 projected for this year. That is, if it has no safety program which ensure sales opportunities.
Gafor Brazilian group acquired the entire stake in MDL Logistics Transport International, a company specializing in cargo transportation throughout Mercosur. Expand its operation throughout the territories of Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. It has a fleet of 2,600 trucks equipment.
Furthermore Vale do Rio Doce of Brazil acquire Minera La Alumbrera, Anglo-Swiss firm Xstrata. Provide 90,000 million dollars. Reflect a little brutal offering this amount how much value there is in the basement of that mine? This amount is ours, of the Nation. Are sold and distributed national assets, and he and previous governments keep a silence of traitors.
Vale Do Rio Doce, now are the new owners of the mines of potassium is buying Rio Tinto, the Anglo-Australian potash mine in the south of Mendoza, in nearby Rincon de los Sauces, in addition to a state of exploration project in Canada, for $ s $ 850 million, and the Corumbá iron ore mine in Brazil for u $ s 750 billion, coming to invest U.S. $ s 1.6 billion for everything. Ferrocidio source the 2nd edition of my authorship.
All amounts relating to gains on sales to large international groups do not return, nor go through the country. Swell the coffers of the colonizer (*). Not return to reinvest in the country, ie do not return, is pure looting of our wealth. That means a depletion of the national capital.
Neither this nor the previous government, have outlined only a hypocritical attempt to require that the volume of such marketings return and reinvested back into a productive sector development. Of course, this government and gurus posing as opponents claim the cries foreign investment.
As I say that not only invade us to bring our wealth and enslave our territorial sovereignty, but we will acquire the aircraft without the colonial Brazilian international bidding contest. Is clear evidence of a State doblegación colonized by a rising sub-imperialism.
We can not say as some intellectuals multiple candidates, it is preferable to allow Brazilian capital and non-Americans or Europeans, as if the country had financial capital. A whole childish.
The transnationalization of freight trains
They help to this project of colonial penetration Brazilian multinationals, directly or indirectly. A Camargo Correa is the main shareholder of the company Loma Negra, which in turn owns shares of FERROSUR, a company that has awarded the concession of the railway corridor of the former freight line Roca, covering all wet pampa the province of Buenos Aires. Its previous owner was Amalita Fortabat, Loma Negra sold the company in the tune of U $ S 1.025 million to Camargo Correa. The other transnational
Agrenco Brazilian is that administers ALL (America Latina Logistica), a company that bought the shares to Pescarmona, winner of the branches belonging to San Martin and FC FC Urquiza. That is, with the acquisition of both the Brazilian stock packages, travel throughout the country on an infrastructure that is the Argentine State, more precisely of the Nation.
I used to own and carry loads of multinationals, to the Pacific Ocean. The two Brazilian transnational cover much of the richest territory of our country. ALL, is the company that has produced the greatest amount of rail accidents.
Brazilians passing through our lines. Go side by side for our country on our own tracks, they now have to the Pacific. Any resemblance to British colonialism is only by blood.
No one voice that rises from the political, intellectual or union and questioning the appropriation of territorial sovereignty by these settlers from the territory crossed. Times worse than the English. The railways were owned by the British and sepoys shift territory was granted but on condition that built the railroads.
not the case today. The railways are franchised (rented), the Brazilians do not own territorial sovereignty but they have not built anything, only destruction can be seen at the side of the tracks and embankments. Ie to specify. The structures are of Argentina and their land.
What we see is that the Brazilian colonization colonized natives has made much more decadent than the previous traitors.
The British used the railway in the world and its colonies, as a tool of colonial penetration.
is worth asking: What role did the railroads under the geopolitical point of view when they were in state hands, and what role now? Currently out of trampling our sovereignty and national laws, the Brazilians, save fossil fuel, accident insurance resources, prevent deterioration and pollution in their own roads, etc.
This distortion of the trans must be added the assurance given by the government of former President Kirchner to charge other dealers on the continuation of their contracts. Here is an example.
The same happens with the dealers in the metropolitan railways (suburban passenger)
Itamaraty strategy: "Marcos Azambuja, former Brazilian ambassador to Argentina between 1993 and 1996, could say that" Argentina is the only country important for Brazil for which Brazil is important. " If the aphorism is still valid (hopefully so, and the fact that President Rousseff come to our country in his first trip abroad seems to confirm), if you have to live with a giant, it is good that you like me nice "Source This article - Brazil 2011: the Big Brother diary Sunday Profile 9-January 2010 - Rafael Bielsa.
"Let us be important for Brazil contains a possible paradox and a number of specific challenges. The paradox can be summarized as follows: the giant of a country often come at the expense of stunting their sphere of influence. However, if the competitiveness and aggressiveness Brazil's trade affect Argentina's economy, this would lead to local problems that conspire against the need for Brazil is that we are important "Source: Same
But Big Brother, saying Bielsa, appointed Deputy Consul Carlos Brazil Reis. It said some time ago by the Cuyo area that Brazil decided to put a Consulate General with jurisdiction over San Juan and San Luis.
ask, Do you have appointed to meet a political friend and leave hidden in the foothills beyond arid and hostile? Let us rather spied ...
Mendoza sends more than 40% of its production to Brazil Cuyo sources said. Since we can infer that the purpose of this appointment was not to hide any subject, giving a good position, or for monitoring the production of olives, onions, garlic, or wine, or other products, but the mineral. It's just like that thing, you have to monitor the content of the belly of the Osco in that area, ie the existence of mineral prospect. Potash mines are an example (see the train of potassium by this page) As interest in the Brazilian company Vale by the mine the Louvre in Tucumán - Catamarca. All
strategic policy Brazilian Big Brother on the way to become the hegemonic power of Mercosur, or a sub-imperialism by the grace of the abuse had on rickets in neighboring countries, not as brothers. Pathetic
rickets qualification of colonialist and expansionist policy in Brazil by this former Argentine foreign minister, a former liberal, a real ex ... stunted.
is no coincidence that the president of Brazil to Argentina to visit, is part of a state policy of the Brazilian nation that if you have "coherence" designed from the beginning, launched and controlled from the palace of Itamaraty. All geopolitical conception of that State who is headed for consolidation as a rule, in this case border.
To stop the looting of our wealth and stop being a colonized country, listen and take careful note what the teacher said Scalabrini Ortiz: Regaining the political and economic domination of our homeland is our duty to ourselves, our children and for our children's children. It is not easy but neither action is an action unapproachable. The revolutionaries of 1810, from which we come, we gave the example that nothing can resist the will of man in the service of a great cause.
to us to its realization. Do not expect others to do what we are not able to do. Governments can not do but what people know to ask with authority and firmness. Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz - History Railways
accumulation numbers in case of Big Brother. ** The dizzying panorama flight complete with a comparison with two impressive and astounding book. While in the first half of 2009, investments of private enterprises amounted to U.S. $ 66 billion in same period of 2010 climbed to $ 289 billion. International reserves are at $ 250 billion. Ditto Profile Source article. Just as an illustration.
Juan Carlos Cena is a founding member Mo.Na.Re.FA
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