For Tirso Fiorotto.
Official data from Census 2010 showed that the province of Entre Rios inhabitants expelled for lack of job opportunities, at 50 persons per working day. This occurs for at least 60 years, and continues.
In a week are leaving the province some 60 families, and the population drain has added only in the last six decades, about 750 thousand inhabitants, all exiles.
The findings are based on comparing the total population growth of Argentina, with the growth of Entre Ríos, always less. This month, the authorities admitted that the country has increased its population by 10.6%, and the province reached only 6.7%.
La Argentina rose from 36.26 million to 40 million inhabitants. Entre Rios went from 1 million 158 thousand to 1 million 236 thousand inhabitants between 2001 and 2010.
been many years since this province had a record as low, although in recent decades was always characterized by competition between the territories of lower population growth. The inability to retain their own children is a scourge across the province, and is accentuated in the central northern Entre Rios.
During the period of greatest economic growth in Argentina has had most of its history, with record on record production and exports (soybean, mostly), aided by high international prices of raw material and high demand , Entre Ríos also expanded the production of the expensive raw material, soy, but also deepened its inhabitants ejector process.
Our province can not bounce off the bottom. Population continues to fall supine in the eyes of a leadership that does not hit to implement deep reforms that the time required. The INDEC just reconfirmed, with numbers, which one checks going through the so-called "ghost towns", the taperas (abandoned homes) and semi-desert areas.
Severe expelling complaints about the structure of Entre Rios, and official reports that the certified, they can not move to the political and business leaders as a bloc, they maintain the status quo even if it means a drain on the order of population entrerrianos the 50 per working day. Odious comparisons
Entre Rios 78,153 people increased between 2001 and 2010. Grew by 6.74% during this period. From 14.7 inhabitants 15.69 per square kilometer. Ie, rose person per km2.
Where better note the population debacle? Nogoyá department had 41,289 inhabitants in 1960. Today it has 39,078. In half a century has 2,000 fewer inhabitants.
A reasonable 15% per decade of increase, would be in the 83,000 Nogoyá. That is, would have exactly twice those 41 000 1960, but has ... 39 000. Nogoyá department is a hymn to the expulsion, banishment, a hymn to the desert. Already
the 1960 census had shown a serious trend: compared to the census of 1947, the departments Feliciano, Gualeguay, La Paz, Nogoyá, Tala Villaguay Victoria and reduced their population. Vale
insist the trend of Entre Rios ejection comes from many years, and the worrying thing is that it follows.
Felquer A geography of 1960 reads: "Comparing the census of 1947 to 1960, found that Entre Rios is one of the least populous provinces that rose in that period ... The country, in 1960, compared to 1947, has increased by 25.9%, while Entre Ríos only accounts for 0.8%, Misiones, 34.9%, Buenos Aires, 34.4%, Formosa, 34 %, and Chubut, 32.6%. " (The worrying demographic performance of today's Entre Rios has a history in such dire 50s).
In this Bicentennial year, the case Nogoyá could well be an exception, but unfortunately not. Tala department had 26,636 inhabitants in 1960. Today it has 26,198. In half a century could not recall a single family, on the contrary.
Had grown, as we proposed to Nogoyá to 15% per decade, logging would be exceeding the 52,000 inhabitants, and just passed the 26 mil.
These two departments are the clearest evidence of the failure of policies in Entre Ríos around work, opportunities for residents. But buttons are just two shows: the 2010 Census says more, that local authorities would want to hide.
If everyone who has thought a bit in Entre Ríos know the backwardness of the North Central, fell in mature policies should be established reforms. Statistics show that it grew at the concentration of the economy in a few hands.
What counts is the disappearance of workers, microenterprises and SMEs. The same powerful than in his speeches are filled with the mouth of "SMEs", in reality its policies are destroying them.
seems to purpose: the weaker departments, which again must be protected, encouraged, stoves, were the most abandoned.
Between 2001 and 2010, Feliciano grew only 3.8% Federal 3.4% 2.1% Villaguay, La Paz 1.2%, 1.18% Tala, and less than 1 Nogoyá %: 0.61%.
In the province of Santa Cruz, for every 100 people registered in 2001, today we have 38 more. In the department Nogoyá for every 100 people do not join a single. And that means, in fact, that the Census is warning us that many smaller localities exhibit a reversal. Which have 300 500 inhabitants. Because the district capitals generally increase over the index, and rural and semi-ejected with greater intensity.
In the large department La Paz, shiny soy per 100 inhabitants in 2001 we have one more.
political responsibilities have a name: the current governor was formerly Minister of Government and legislature. His predecessor Jorge Busti was three times governor and is running for a fourth term. His predecessor Sergio Montiel was twice governor ...
The accession of these rulers to the lines of the Pink House has been strict, ie there were no disputes with Buenos Aires (with exceptions), following the failure of policies implemented for our province, but an unconditional alignment.
Mendoza, Tucuman and Salta
to the ruling, the 2010 Census located in the province of Entre Ríos seventh among the provinces with the highest number of inhabitants, including the City of Buenos Aires. The trap was rough.
is true: one of the seven most populous districts. But information is a lie if it is not clear that recently, in 1947, Entre Ríos was the fifth most populous region, today is the seventh, and with these results is on track to be the tenth, not changing policy directions.
Tucumán in 1947 was 194 000 people less than Entre Rios, now has 212 thousand more than the province.
With Mendoza was the same: it had 199 000 inhabitants less 1947 and today has more that 505,000 Entre Rios.
These indicators speak well of Mendoza and Tucuman, and very poor economic organization of Entre Rios. Comparisons are odious, but they are worth to note that the problem of ejecting provinces like ours is not cyclical but structural. We spent
Tucumán and Mendoza. Now comes Salta. Our province had 496,500 inhabitants Jumping six decades ago, today has only 21,000 more. The trend is undeniable: in the absence of separate plans for Entre Rios, plans to take root, to generate real job, now there are plans in government or election platforms known Skip navigation in a couple of years in our province of seventh to eighth. The
other numbers: a decade the gap between the two provinces surpassed the 79,000 people, only the 21,000 today. Between the last two censuses, Salta grew 12.6% 6.7% Entre Ríos. Within 10 years, to follow the rhythm of this decade, Salta have 1,368,000 inhabitants, and Entre Ríos 1,320,000. Sister province northwest will pass us by almost 50 thousand inhabitants. Not for the boom of Salta, because growth does not appear extraordinary, but entrerriano stagnation.
and follow the examples: two decades ago we brought 231,000 people to missions. In 2010 the difference fell to 138,400 people. Also close Chaco, Corrientes and Santiago del Estero, which grow at a rate better than Entre Rios ...
is likely that any entrerriano assume that outgrows its province Santiago del Estero, given its impossible temperatures, less endowed lands, lack of water. However, in these two decades grew Santiago del Estero 33, 40% against 21.17% of Entre Rios.
There are grounds, then to say that after getting behind Salta (in the absence of major changes) will be waiting Misiones and Chaco, in the same Argentine coast. Losing
spaces is interesting to analyze the growth Federation department in the last 60 years. There, for various reasons, people are better rooted. The citrus, spa tourism, some plants with afforestation work would be contributing causes. It is one of the departments with the largest distribution of land ownership, and diversified economy and the strong presence of a hundred varieties of citrus and some other gardens.
Federation in 1947 had 32,864 inhabitants in 2010 and added 68,706. The department grew by 109%, ie more than doubled its population in 63 years.
The whole province, however, in that period grew by 57%. That means that if the entire province Entre Rios had grown by department Federation entrerrianos today would be more than 1,600,000 inhabitants.
relationship with the whole country is more illuminating about the decline of Entre Ríos: Argentina increased from 15.89 million inhabitants in 1947 to 40,090,000 in 2010. Grew by 152%. And Entre Rios, and we said, from 787,362 to 1,236,300. Grew by 57%.
This means that if Entre Ríos population had increased at the same pace throughout Argentina, today we would be 1,980,000. Bottom line? Live outside of Entre Rios Entre Rios at least 750,000, and that is only counting the last 6 decades. Just
750,000 divided by the number of working days in 60 years (a rate of 250 per year, in round numbers), to show that Entre Ríos check their land to 50 people per day, two per hour.
If the twentieth century put our people on an inclined plane, the first decade of the century, far from reversing that trend, he emphasized.
As kirchnerismo dominated 90% of the last reporting period, the Census results are not encouraging for those advocating drastic changes are not observed here.
interpellate The exiled entrerrianos governments. But governments grant rights to large enterprises concentrated in the economy (Mainly multinationals), the structure responsible for ejection, and petty families wishing to live in the land that gave birth.
Territory "overloaded? There
seats in the Federal Capital are overloaded and it is logical that exhibit lower growth. But it is the case of Entre Rios, or better yet, our country is the opposite.
Can our province to receive a greater burden on people?
The Republic of Panama has a total area smaller than that of Entre Rios, and the Panamanians are 3.3 million. Israel has almost a quarter of the Entre Rios area and has 7.6 million inhabitants. That means that if Israel Entre Rios was like, here they could live almost 30 million people, and we just 1.2. We
4% of the population density of Israel. We, 15.7 people per 100 hectares, Israel 343.
What other country we want to compare? With the country most targeted by imperialism: Cuba. The area of \u200b\u200bCuba is almost a Entre Rios and a half. If you have a population density such as ours would not reach 2 million. How many do you have? More than 11 million. And we talk of the country that has endured half a century of blockade and the most powerful empire on earth warrior. Let
at one end of South Korea. With an area slightly larger than the entrerriana (like us to add our territory three departments Gualeguaychú), Koreans are nearly 49 million. Add up to 487 people per 100 hectares. Where Entre Rios has 1 person, Korea has 31.
The best weather, the best soils, rainfall, aquifers hitch, privileged location, 300 people armed with an infinite capacity to give a home to their children, and families with trade in productive diversity " Entre Ríos what's wrong?. Leaders fail, they fail the rulers and their business allies. Sure, they fail from a demographic standpoint, because if you really want is to stay in power, ensure re-election, favoring the focus groups and multinationals, if they are looking for a few Entre Ríos, the scheme could not be more successful.
Who put the bell
The INDEC, zero credibility in terms of price and other herbs, could make an acceptable census. However, it will take two months, and offers no data on the number of inhabitants per city.
With the information at hand, with this sort of diagnosis, the authorities can tackle the problems of entry with the proper remedies in time.
census has not yet offered to the public data fundamental. If symptoms of illness on growth, the concentration of people in the capital (as demonstrated by other surveys), still do not know.
capitals tend to increase their population at a higher rate, between 15 and 30% per decade, at the expense of the depopulation of rural and semirural areas. And they do it without much planning, with the proliferation of crowded neighborhoods.
In Entre Rios, this trend (which is no more acute than in other territories) distorts a quality very typical of this province balanced population distribution. It was a real treasure.
In 1960 the department's population occupied 21.6% Paraná the province's total. Today, 27.5%. The trend is unacceptable and disturbing the projection.
population dispersion expensive some services but allows a more harmonious life, less stress, low risk of overcrowding, and provides opportunities to overcome conflicts, village by village, with a variety of schemes, involving neighbors, community .
On the other hand, are still unknown other indicators to assess the form and quality of life.
Now, why did they question the data known major political candidates for the 2011 elections? Because deportation is a sign that faced by plans rulers so addicted to the "economy of scale" (mainly Busti, and Urribarri), do not work for establishment of families. And because the third candidate, Benedetti, has developed its business around a farm item that tends to concentrate the activity. This applicant was not yet government and your company is looking to diversify production (grains, chickens, pigs, etc.), And to some extent is of the groups that resist the invasion of pools. But none of the three candidates so far has presented serious plans to reverse the scourge of expulsion measures to attack the economic structure.
If you have a plan Entre Ríos to break these structures, if you bounce on a flat, after falling as sharp population for decades, might be surprised by their population growth with dignity, and even repatriate (to his little country) to thousands of families very welcome return to his province loved, which were drawn.
This desertification, "benefit anyone? Without doubt, the focus groups (mostly foreign) need land suitable for large scale, without people, to expand their fiefdoms. Financial groups, landowners, the pools, and their partners (banks, politicians, suppliers, contractors), congratulations are in a country without Entre Rios Entre Rios.
Who is encouraged to confront the focus groups and multinationals, clear obstacles for establishment of workers and SMEs? Who will put the bell to these lions?
undeniable growth problems
DEPT. Increase *
Nogoyá Tala
0.61% 1.18%
La Paz 1.2% 2.1%
Villaguay Federal
3.4% 3.8% 4.5%
Diamond Islands Ibicuy of 5% 5%
Uruguay 6.64% 7.21% San Salvador 7.3%
Gualeguaychú. Gualeguay
7.48% 7.5% 7.7%
Concordia Federation
14.1% 16.6% Columbus
6.74% * Population growth according to a comparison of 2001 and 2010 censuses. The six worst performing departments belong to the northern heart of Entre Rios.
Macrocephaly: bad and getting worse
addition of Entre Ríos, La Pampa, Corrientes and Santa Fe provinces were the worst performers in the count conducted last October 27, the day of the death of former President Nestor Kirchner.
La Pampa with growth below 6%, and the remaining three with 6.7% as ours.
However, La Pampa had grown 1991 to 2001 was 15.1%. So in the last two decades, population growth there was 21.90%, and the province of Corrientes in the 20-year period increased by 24.8%, unlike that of Entre Rios 1991 to 2010 grew 21 , 17%.
must consider here that the natural conditions of Entre Rios are infinitely more favorable for establishment, in conjunction with La Pampa.
Santa Fe is another province with very low growth in the number of inhabitants. In two decades, only 14.37%. Looking
1947 to date, Santa Fe had a 10.7% portion of the inhabitants of the country, and now has 7.98%. Decreased 2.72 points.
Entre Ríos increased from 4.95% of the population of Argentina in 1947 to 3.08% in 2010, down 1.87 points.
Where did the population? The province of Buenos Aires had already in 2001 the tune of 13.82 million. This year it recorded 15.59 million. 12.8% growth in this decade, adding to a steady increase in recent decades. In 1947 had 4.27 million inhabitants, ie 26.8% of the country. Today its population accounts for almost 39% of the inhabitants of Argentina. The province of Buenos Aires population increased by 264.8% over six decades, unlike the 57% recorded Entre Rios. Clearly, then, where are the missing entrerrianos, mostly. Buenos Aires
The excessive growth of the province of Buenos Aires in relation to the other is already a macrocephaly distorting development.
Add to that a Federal Capital has behaved rarity in recent years. The city was stagnant in its population. Does not grow for decades. In 1947 had 2.98 million inhabitants in 1991 dropped to 2.96. The collapse is evident.
The 2001 census recorded a decline of 6% (but with margins of error that would take too long to explain), but here news: in 2010 if we find an increase of 4.14%.
That is, when healthy had been a decline in the Capital, we have more agglomeration.
If between the Federal Capital (2,891,082 inhabitants) and the province of Buenos Aires (15,594,428 inhabitants) total 18,485,510, macrocephaly that paralyzes Argentina becomes evident. Account for 46.1% of Argentina's total population (40,091,359 inhabitants).
If we add Santa Fe and Cordoba, we are very close to the 25 million inhabitants, ie the 62.33% of Argentines live in three regions of the 23.
Good: Santa Cruz grew 38.4%, 24.8% Tierra del Fuego, Chubut 22.6% San Luis 17.3%, Neuquén 16.1% 14.6% Black River.
But do not be deceived: Santa Cruz, Chubut, Black River, La Pampa, are considered a desert in the world. Santa Cruz is only 1.1 inhabitants per square kilometer. If
inhabited as Israel, Santa Cruz would have 83 million inhabitants. Today it has 272 thousand, less than the Great Paraná. It is one of the areas stolen by the Argentines on indigenous Argentine barely a century or property to give them a few, some of them very rich, as you know.
Without some politicians, I must say that George Soros and Luciano Benetton and their families and partners joined in Argentina about 2 million hectares, most of them in Santa Cruz. And the current national government has consistently refused for 8 years to treat a law (the first was presented by Elisa Carrio, and there are a dozen projects) to curb foreign ownership (although it must be done is remove).
Gualeguaychú, a question
If you look at the population density of Entre Rios will meet semi-true.
Remember that the province of Tucumán, for example, has 64.3 inhabitants per square kilometer, the province of Buenos Aires 50.7. 36.8 missions.
Without any natural reason, among Rivers is 15.69 inhabitants per km2, with an imbalance runaway: Paraná department h/km2 68.52, the department Feliciano with 4.82, ie 7% of the most populous.
Without going to extremes (Paraná on one hand, Feliciano on the other), we say that the intermediate numbers also speak volumes. There are empty areas such as La Paz. It is true that the mountains are, for example, that must be preserved. And why has so few inhabitants Gualeguaychú, when a whole area seems to favor, and does not cover large areas of islands or mountains?
Federation Today the department is equivalent to 63% of Gualeguaychú. In 91, equivalent to 54.3%. The department Columbus had exactly half of the population of Gualeguaychú department in 1991, today has 56%.
Gualeguaychú is true that has not had the provincial government favors such as Paraná and Concordia, which in turn show huge crowded neighborhoods in the district capitals, but no fame, the city of Gualeguaychu, on the industrial park?
Indeed, the industrial park does not pass the barrier of 2,000 jobs. And a single room near the city (El Potrero, per case) may have 30,000 hectares in the areas best in the world without the leadership see here the main cause of the ills of this department ejector their children.
The imbalance in numbers
Department Sort by km2 *
Concordia 68.52 21.27 52 Columbus
Federation Uruguay 18.27 17.22, 16.62 ** Diamond
San Salvador 15.37 13.50 10.3
Tala La Paz
Nogoyá 9.83 7.3 9.12
Gualeguay 7.21 ** 5.27 ** Victoria
5, Feliciano
12 4.82 2.68 ** Ibicuy Islands
(Entre Ríos 15.69)
* This table shows the uneven settlement of the province of Entre Rios. **
Departments with vast areas of islands (which does not make them uninhabitable, with adequate infrastructure and plans.)
Province for the few: dislodge and expel the workers while they Eskenazi and Tres Arroyos sign anything.
The dismal performance of the province of Entre Rios in the process of population, according to results of Census 2010, questions to the three major candidates for governor. Their parties are primarily responsible (with other sectors) that the province ejected about 50 people each working day, absence of opportunities. From the Justice Party, which ruled most of the period covered by this census, we attempted to neutralize the scandal of forcing the data very weak growth. The real numbers, amazing. North Central departments are shown viable for habitation. Nogoyá, Tala and others reveal a chronic disease in its economy, which emphasize politicians. Who desertification the undeniable benefits of Entre Rios?
Official data from Census 2010 showed that the province of Entre Rios inhabitants expelled for lack of job opportunities, at 50 persons per working day. This occurs for at least 60 years, and continues.
In a week are leaving the province some 60 families, and the population drain has added only in the last six decades, about 750 thousand inhabitants, all exiles.
The findings are based on comparing the total population growth of Argentina, with the growth of Entre Ríos, always less. This month, the authorities admitted that the country has increased its population by 10.6%, and the province reached only 6.7%.
La Argentina rose from 36.26 million to 40 million inhabitants. Entre Rios went from 1 million 158 thousand to 1 million 236 thousand inhabitants between 2001 and 2010.
been many years since this province had a record as low, although in recent decades was always characterized by competition between the territories of lower population growth. The inability to retain their own children is a scourge across the province, and is accentuated in the central northern Entre Rios.
During the period of greatest economic growth in Argentina has had most of its history, with record on record production and exports (soybean, mostly), aided by high international prices of raw material and high demand , Entre Ríos also expanded the production of the expensive raw material, soy, but also deepened its inhabitants ejector process.
Our province can not bounce off the bottom. Population continues to fall supine in the eyes of a leadership that does not hit to implement deep reforms that the time required. The INDEC just reconfirmed, with numbers, which one checks going through the so-called "ghost towns", the taperas (abandoned homes) and semi-desert areas.
Severe expelling complaints about the structure of Entre Rios, and official reports that the certified, they can not move to the political and business leaders as a bloc, they maintain the status quo even if it means a drain on the order of population entrerrianos the 50 per working day. Odious comparisons
Entre Rios 78,153 people increased between 2001 and 2010. Grew by 6.74% during this period. From 14.7 inhabitants 15.69 per square kilometer. Ie, rose person per km2.
Where better note the population debacle? Nogoyá department had 41,289 inhabitants in 1960. Today it has 39,078. In half a century has 2,000 fewer inhabitants.
A reasonable 15% per decade of increase, would be in the 83,000 Nogoyá. That is, would have exactly twice those 41 000 1960, but has ... 39 000. Nogoyá department is a hymn to the expulsion, banishment, a hymn to the desert. Already
the 1960 census had shown a serious trend: compared to the census of 1947, the departments Feliciano, Gualeguay, La Paz, Nogoyá, Tala Villaguay Victoria and reduced their population. Vale
insist the trend of Entre Rios ejection comes from many years, and the worrying thing is that it follows.
Felquer A geography of 1960 reads: "Comparing the census of 1947 to 1960, found that Entre Rios is one of the least populous provinces that rose in that period ... The country, in 1960, compared to 1947, has increased by 25.9%, while Entre Ríos only accounts for 0.8%, Misiones, 34.9%, Buenos Aires, 34.4%, Formosa, 34 %, and Chubut, 32.6%. " (The worrying demographic performance of today's Entre Rios has a history in such dire 50s).
In this Bicentennial year, the case Nogoyá could well be an exception, but unfortunately not. Tala department had 26,636 inhabitants in 1960. Today it has 26,198. In half a century could not recall a single family, on the contrary.
Had grown, as we proposed to Nogoyá to 15% per decade, logging would be exceeding the 52,000 inhabitants, and just passed the 26 mil.
These two departments are the clearest evidence of the failure of policies in Entre Ríos around work, opportunities for residents. But buttons are just two shows: the 2010 Census says more, that local authorities would want to hide.
If everyone who has thought a bit in Entre Ríos know the backwardness of the North Central, fell in mature policies should be established reforms. Statistics show that it grew at the concentration of the economy in a few hands.
What counts is the disappearance of workers, microenterprises and SMEs. The same powerful than in his speeches are filled with the mouth of "SMEs", in reality its policies are destroying them.
seems to purpose: the weaker departments, which again must be protected, encouraged, stoves, were the most abandoned.
Between 2001 and 2010, Feliciano grew only 3.8% Federal 3.4% 2.1% Villaguay, La Paz 1.2%, 1.18% Tala, and less than 1 Nogoyá %: 0.61%.
In the province of Santa Cruz, for every 100 people registered in 2001, today we have 38 more. In the department Nogoyá for every 100 people do not join a single. And that means, in fact, that the Census is warning us that many smaller localities exhibit a reversal. Which have 300 500 inhabitants. Because the district capitals generally increase over the index, and rural and semi-ejected with greater intensity.
In the large department La Paz, shiny soy per 100 inhabitants in 2001 we have one more.
political responsibilities have a name: the current governor was formerly Minister of Government and legislature. His predecessor Jorge Busti was three times governor and is running for a fourth term. His predecessor Sergio Montiel was twice governor ...
The accession of these rulers to the lines of the Pink House has been strict, ie there were no disputes with Buenos Aires (with exceptions), following the failure of policies implemented for our province, but an unconditional alignment.
Mendoza, Tucuman and Salta
to the ruling, the 2010 Census located in the province of Entre Ríos seventh among the provinces with the highest number of inhabitants, including the City of Buenos Aires. The trap was rough.
is true: one of the seven most populous districts. But information is a lie if it is not clear that recently, in 1947, Entre Ríos was the fifth most populous region, today is the seventh, and with these results is on track to be the tenth, not changing policy directions.
Tucumán in 1947 was 194 000 people less than Entre Rios, now has 212 thousand more than the province.
With Mendoza was the same: it had 199 000 inhabitants less 1947 and today has more that 505,000 Entre Rios.
These indicators speak well of Mendoza and Tucuman, and very poor economic organization of Entre Rios. Comparisons are odious, but they are worth to note that the problem of ejecting provinces like ours is not cyclical but structural. We spent
Tucumán and Mendoza. Now comes Salta. Our province had 496,500 inhabitants Jumping six decades ago, today has only 21,000 more. The trend is undeniable: in the absence of separate plans for Entre Rios, plans to take root, to generate real job, now there are plans in government or election platforms known Skip navigation in a couple of years in our province of seventh to eighth. The
other numbers: a decade the gap between the two provinces surpassed the 79,000 people, only the 21,000 today. Between the last two censuses, Salta grew 12.6% 6.7% Entre Ríos. Within 10 years, to follow the rhythm of this decade, Salta have 1,368,000 inhabitants, and Entre Ríos 1,320,000. Sister province northwest will pass us by almost 50 thousand inhabitants. Not for the boom of Salta, because growth does not appear extraordinary, but entrerriano stagnation.
and follow the examples: two decades ago we brought 231,000 people to missions. In 2010 the difference fell to 138,400 people. Also close Chaco, Corrientes and Santiago del Estero, which grow at a rate better than Entre Rios ...
is likely that any entrerriano assume that outgrows its province Santiago del Estero, given its impossible temperatures, less endowed lands, lack of water. However, in these two decades grew Santiago del Estero 33, 40% against 21.17% of Entre Rios.
There are grounds, then to say that after getting behind Salta (in the absence of major changes) will be waiting Misiones and Chaco, in the same Argentine coast. Losing
spaces is interesting to analyze the growth Federation department in the last 60 years. There, for various reasons, people are better rooted. The citrus, spa tourism, some plants with afforestation work would be contributing causes. It is one of the departments with the largest distribution of land ownership, and diversified economy and the strong presence of a hundred varieties of citrus and some other gardens.
Federation in 1947 had 32,864 inhabitants in 2010 and added 68,706. The department grew by 109%, ie more than doubled its population in 63 years.
The whole province, however, in that period grew by 57%. That means that if the entire province Entre Rios had grown by department Federation entrerrianos today would be more than 1,600,000 inhabitants.
relationship with the whole country is more illuminating about the decline of Entre Ríos: Argentina increased from 15.89 million inhabitants in 1947 to 40,090,000 in 2010. Grew by 152%. And Entre Rios, and we said, from 787,362 to 1,236,300. Grew by 57%.
This means that if Entre Ríos population had increased at the same pace throughout Argentina, today we would be 1,980,000. Bottom line? Live outside of Entre Rios Entre Rios at least 750,000, and that is only counting the last 6 decades. Just
750,000 divided by the number of working days in 60 years (a rate of 250 per year, in round numbers), to show that Entre Ríos check their land to 50 people per day, two per hour.
If the twentieth century put our people on an inclined plane, the first decade of the century, far from reversing that trend, he emphasized.
As kirchnerismo dominated 90% of the last reporting period, the Census results are not encouraging for those advocating drastic changes are not observed here.
interpellate The exiled entrerrianos governments. But governments grant rights to large enterprises concentrated in the economy (Mainly multinationals), the structure responsible for ejection, and petty families wishing to live in the land that gave birth.
Territory "overloaded? There
seats in the Federal Capital are overloaded and it is logical that exhibit lower growth. But it is the case of Entre Rios, or better yet, our country is the opposite.
Can our province to receive a greater burden on people?
The Republic of Panama has a total area smaller than that of Entre Rios, and the Panamanians are 3.3 million. Israel has almost a quarter of the Entre Rios area and has 7.6 million inhabitants. That means that if Israel Entre Rios was like, here they could live almost 30 million people, and we just 1.2. We
4% of the population density of Israel. We, 15.7 people per 100 hectares, Israel 343.
What other country we want to compare? With the country most targeted by imperialism: Cuba. The area of \u200b\u200bCuba is almost a Entre Rios and a half. If you have a population density such as ours would not reach 2 million. How many do you have? More than 11 million. And we talk of the country that has endured half a century of blockade and the most powerful empire on earth warrior. Let
at one end of South Korea. With an area slightly larger than the entrerriana (like us to add our territory three departments Gualeguaychú), Koreans are nearly 49 million. Add up to 487 people per 100 hectares. Where Entre Rios has 1 person, Korea has 31.
The best weather, the best soils, rainfall, aquifers hitch, privileged location, 300 people armed with an infinite capacity to give a home to their children, and families with trade in productive diversity " Entre Ríos what's wrong?. Leaders fail, they fail the rulers and their business allies. Sure, they fail from a demographic standpoint, because if you really want is to stay in power, ensure re-election, favoring the focus groups and multinationals, if they are looking for a few Entre Ríos, the scheme could not be more successful.
Who put the bell
The INDEC, zero credibility in terms of price and other herbs, could make an acceptable census. However, it will take two months, and offers no data on the number of inhabitants per city.
With the information at hand, with this sort of diagnosis, the authorities can tackle the problems of entry with the proper remedies in time.
census has not yet offered to the public data fundamental. If symptoms of illness on growth, the concentration of people in the capital (as demonstrated by other surveys), still do not know.
capitals tend to increase their population at a higher rate, between 15 and 30% per decade, at the expense of the depopulation of rural and semirural areas. And they do it without much planning, with the proliferation of crowded neighborhoods.
In Entre Rios, this trend (which is no more acute than in other territories) distorts a quality very typical of this province balanced population distribution. It was a real treasure.
In 1960 the department's population occupied 21.6% Paraná the province's total. Today, 27.5%. The trend is unacceptable and disturbing the projection.
population dispersion expensive some services but allows a more harmonious life, less stress, low risk of overcrowding, and provides opportunities to overcome conflicts, village by village, with a variety of schemes, involving neighbors, community .
On the other hand, are still unknown other indicators to assess the form and quality of life.
Now, why did they question the data known major political candidates for the 2011 elections? Because deportation is a sign that faced by plans rulers so addicted to the "economy of scale" (mainly Busti, and Urribarri), do not work for establishment of families. And because the third candidate, Benedetti, has developed its business around a farm item that tends to concentrate the activity. This applicant was not yet government and your company is looking to diversify production (grains, chickens, pigs, etc.), And to some extent is of the groups that resist the invasion of pools. But none of the three candidates so far has presented serious plans to reverse the scourge of expulsion measures to attack the economic structure.
If you have a plan Entre Ríos to break these structures, if you bounce on a flat, after falling as sharp population for decades, might be surprised by their population growth with dignity, and even repatriate (to his little country) to thousands of families very welcome return to his province loved, which were drawn.
This desertification, "benefit anyone? Without doubt, the focus groups (mostly foreign) need land suitable for large scale, without people, to expand their fiefdoms. Financial groups, landowners, the pools, and their partners (banks, politicians, suppliers, contractors), congratulations are in a country without Entre Rios Entre Rios.
Who is encouraged to confront the focus groups and multinationals, clear obstacles for establishment of workers and SMEs? Who will put the bell to these lions?
undeniable growth problems
DEPT. Increase *
Nogoyá Tala
0.61% 1.18%
La Paz 1.2% 2.1%
Villaguay Federal
3.4% 3.8% 4.5%
Diamond Islands Ibicuy of 5% 5%
Uruguay 6.64% 7.21% San Salvador 7.3%
Gualeguaychú. Gualeguay
7.48% 7.5% 7.7%
Concordia Federation
14.1% 16.6% Columbus
6.74% * Population growth according to a comparison of 2001 and 2010 censuses. The six worst performing departments belong to the northern heart of Entre Rios.
Macrocephaly: bad and getting worse
addition of Entre Ríos, La Pampa, Corrientes and Santa Fe provinces were the worst performers in the count conducted last October 27, the day of the death of former President Nestor Kirchner.
La Pampa with growth below 6%, and the remaining three with 6.7% as ours.
However, La Pampa had grown 1991 to 2001 was 15.1%. So in the last two decades, population growth there was 21.90%, and the province of Corrientes in the 20-year period increased by 24.8%, unlike that of Entre Rios 1991 to 2010 grew 21 , 17%.
must consider here that the natural conditions of Entre Rios are infinitely more favorable for establishment, in conjunction with La Pampa.
Santa Fe is another province with very low growth in the number of inhabitants. In two decades, only 14.37%. Looking
1947 to date, Santa Fe had a 10.7% portion of the inhabitants of the country, and now has 7.98%. Decreased 2.72 points.
Entre Ríos increased from 4.95% of the population of Argentina in 1947 to 3.08% in 2010, down 1.87 points.
Where did the population? The province of Buenos Aires had already in 2001 the tune of 13.82 million. This year it recorded 15.59 million. 12.8% growth in this decade, adding to a steady increase in recent decades. In 1947 had 4.27 million inhabitants, ie 26.8% of the country. Today its population accounts for almost 39% of the inhabitants of Argentina. The province of Buenos Aires population increased by 264.8% over six decades, unlike the 57% recorded Entre Rios. Clearly, then, where are the missing entrerrianos, mostly. Buenos Aires
The excessive growth of the province of Buenos Aires in relation to the other is already a macrocephaly distorting development.
Add to that a Federal Capital has behaved rarity in recent years. The city was stagnant in its population. Does not grow for decades. In 1947 had 2.98 million inhabitants in 1991 dropped to 2.96. The collapse is evident.
The 2001 census recorded a decline of 6% (but with margins of error that would take too long to explain), but here news: in 2010 if we find an increase of 4.14%.
That is, when healthy had been a decline in the Capital, we have more agglomeration.
If between the Federal Capital (2,891,082 inhabitants) and the province of Buenos Aires (15,594,428 inhabitants) total 18,485,510, macrocephaly that paralyzes Argentina becomes evident. Account for 46.1% of Argentina's total population (40,091,359 inhabitants).
If we add Santa Fe and Cordoba, we are very close to the 25 million inhabitants, ie the 62.33% of Argentines live in three regions of the 23.
Good: Santa Cruz grew 38.4%, 24.8% Tierra del Fuego, Chubut 22.6% San Luis 17.3%, Neuquén 16.1% 14.6% Black River.
But do not be deceived: Santa Cruz, Chubut, Black River, La Pampa, are considered a desert in the world. Santa Cruz is only 1.1 inhabitants per square kilometer. If
inhabited as Israel, Santa Cruz would have 83 million inhabitants. Today it has 272 thousand, less than the Great Paraná. It is one of the areas stolen by the Argentines on indigenous Argentine barely a century or property to give them a few, some of them very rich, as you know.
Without some politicians, I must say that George Soros and Luciano Benetton and their families and partners joined in Argentina about 2 million hectares, most of them in Santa Cruz. And the current national government has consistently refused for 8 years to treat a law (the first was presented by Elisa Carrio, and there are a dozen projects) to curb foreign ownership (although it must be done is remove).
Gualeguaychú, a question
If you look at the population density of Entre Rios will meet semi-true.
Remember that the province of Tucumán, for example, has 64.3 inhabitants per square kilometer, the province of Buenos Aires 50.7. 36.8 missions.
Without any natural reason, among Rivers is 15.69 inhabitants per km2, with an imbalance runaway: Paraná department h/km2 68.52, the department Feliciano with 4.82, ie 7% of the most populous.
Without going to extremes (Paraná on one hand, Feliciano on the other), we say that the intermediate numbers also speak volumes. There are empty areas such as La Paz. It is true that the mountains are, for example, that must be preserved. And why has so few inhabitants Gualeguaychú, when a whole area seems to favor, and does not cover large areas of islands or mountains?
Federation Today the department is equivalent to 63% of Gualeguaychú. In 91, equivalent to 54.3%. The department Columbus had exactly half of the population of Gualeguaychú department in 1991, today has 56%.
Gualeguaychú is true that has not had the provincial government favors such as Paraná and Concordia, which in turn show huge crowded neighborhoods in the district capitals, but no fame, the city of Gualeguaychu, on the industrial park?
Indeed, the industrial park does not pass the barrier of 2,000 jobs. And a single room near the city (El Potrero, per case) may have 30,000 hectares in the areas best in the world without the leadership see here the main cause of the ills of this department ejector their children.
The imbalance in numbers
Department Sort by km2 *
Concordia 68.52 21.27 52 Columbus
Federation Uruguay 18.27 17.22, 16.62 ** Diamond
San Salvador 15.37 13.50 10.3
Tala La Paz
Nogoyá 9.83 7.3 9.12
Gualeguay 7.21 ** 5.27 ** Victoria
5, Feliciano
12 4.82 2.68 ** Ibicuy Islands
(Entre Ríos 15.69)
* This table shows the uneven settlement of the province of Entre Rios. **
Departments with vast areas of islands (which does not make them uninhabitable, with adequate infrastructure and plans.)
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