By Oscar Taffetani.
The question contains an alleged oligopoly (the idea that if the Argentines are few, there should be many media). And the answer is a manual response, which avoids posing the problem that even in the U.S., the competition between the chains is relative and ideological differences between the producers and distributors of information are also relative.
The problem is not that there are five or six local news channel for a population of 40 million inhabitants. The problem is that at the same time each day, these five or six channels, satellite repeated across the country, published the same news, follow the same news agenda, and-more seriously-have the same look on the facts they relate.
vacationers Theft, murder and tragedy holidaymakers vacationers road, living on the grid of TV "news" of summer parades and competitions, sports and tournaments in the summer and the scenes of the famous summer . When autumn arrived, predictably, will present the information collections of the season: Crisis school infrastructure, teacher strikes, some flu strains new advances in new and different campaigns.
Every so often, seasoning and to compensate the valleys of the rating, will (or will be released) a monster, which will divide the public and allowing the democratic exercise of that brief, in the manner of Facebook: "I like / I do not like"
As a consolation of fools (fools globalized) would say that it happens to us is happening all over the world. The mainstream media will stop being media and become ends. They work for themselves. Although at one time (and as a renewed challenge to the community and alternative media) is possible to turn that balance, even occasionally, to the side of those who have the least and most needed, achieving anything like justice. Damacio
a story "The Mommy, I'm told, it was the Blue, born there, near Buenos Aires. When the English came and continued to flee to the mountains of the Andes. And when raised in Blue, came to this side of the Colorado River. Lived there about five or six years. The mommy knew my ride on horseback, hence became more person yet. And they began to move more English ... and as they went to a chief whose name was such a queue-Pu, as my mama told me, a man petisito, with large rings means claimed in the shoulder. And Abalde and arrived in a corner that is until today and that is where they settled the town of Las Lajas, here in the province of Neuquén. Of there, then started up again. That was all the wealth left by my grandfather, Juan de Dios Vera's dad, my mom, who called Huenulaf Mapuche language. The language name of my grandmother, my mom's mom can not remember ... in itself huinca: Luisa Wuniup. Is the mommy? Her name was Juana Vera. How Mapuche? Allincan. Then fell to Chile. But ... and big people in Chile. And from there back to back again. Then, at the entrance, were combined, marriage to my father, Cecilio Caitruz. They were all tame ... people ... and did nothing. "
cite the autobiographical fragment, recorded in 1970 by Martha Borruat Bun, was collected over Later in the documentary-Choroy Araucanos Ruca, by Jorge Prelorán. Unintentionally, Damacio Caitruz tape delivered testimony that timeless, invaluable for travel and systematic plunder the original inhabitants of South America.
We wanted to bring here this word is not mediated, pristine, that knows no newspapers or radio or television, that does not respond to any information or political agenda, and yet this puts us in an absolute historical validity.
Are you talking about the Mapuche or Qom? Are they on the Riviera? "On the outskirts of Rosario? "In suburban Buenos Aires? Are English they go? General Roca is it? Is it an American news czar, which is buying new ranches in Patagonia?
all happens. Everything is still happening. And maybe we could report it. And maybe we could discuss it. If we were not shot by the news.
"What analysis can you Fontevecchia Jorge asks Ted Turner said that while Argentina a hundred times smaller market than the U.S., with five news channels?". "I feel great," replies Turner. Better to have more news channels. I think that the more information we have, from different points of view, better. "
The question contains an alleged oligopoly (the idea that if the Argentines are few, there should be many media). And the answer is a manual response, which avoids posing the problem that even in the U.S., the competition between the chains is relative and ideological differences between the producers and distributors of information are also relative.
The problem is not that there are five or six local news channel for a population of 40 million inhabitants. The problem is that at the same time each day, these five or six channels, satellite repeated across the country, published the same news, follow the same news agenda, and-more seriously-have the same look on the facts they relate.
vacationers Theft, murder and tragedy holidaymakers vacationers road, living on the grid of TV "news" of summer parades and competitions, sports and tournaments in the summer and the scenes of the famous summer . When autumn arrived, predictably, will present the information collections of the season: Crisis school infrastructure, teacher strikes, some flu strains new advances in new and different campaigns.
Every so often, seasoning and to compensate the valleys of the rating, will (or will be released) a monster, which will divide the public and allowing the democratic exercise of that brief, in the manner of Facebook: "I like / I do not like"
As a consolation of fools (fools globalized) would say that it happens to us is happening all over the world. The mainstream media will stop being media and become ends. They work for themselves. Although at one time (and as a renewed challenge to the community and alternative media) is possible to turn that balance, even occasionally, to the side of those who have the least and most needed, achieving anything like justice. Damacio
a story "The Mommy, I'm told, it was the Blue, born there, near Buenos Aires. When the English came and continued to flee to the mountains of the Andes. And when raised in Blue, came to this side of the Colorado River. Lived there about five or six years. The mommy knew my ride on horseback, hence became more person yet. And they began to move more English ... and as they went to a chief whose name was such a queue-Pu, as my mama told me, a man petisito, with large rings means claimed in the shoulder. And Abalde and arrived in a corner that is until today and that is where they settled the town of Las Lajas, here in the province of Neuquén. Of there, then started up again. That was all the wealth left by my grandfather, Juan de Dios Vera's dad, my mom, who called Huenulaf Mapuche language. The language name of my grandmother, my mom's mom can not remember ... in itself huinca: Luisa Wuniup. Is the mommy? Her name was Juana Vera. How Mapuche? Allincan. Then fell to Chile. But ... and big people in Chile. And from there back to back again. Then, at the entrance, were combined, marriage to my father, Cecilio Caitruz. They were all tame ... people ... and did nothing. "
cite the autobiographical fragment, recorded in 1970 by Martha Borruat Bun, was collected over Later in the documentary-Choroy Araucanos Ruca, by Jorge Prelorán. Unintentionally, Damacio Caitruz tape delivered testimony that timeless, invaluable for travel and systematic plunder the original inhabitants of South America.
We wanted to bring here this word is not mediated, pristine, that knows no newspapers or radio or television, that does not respond to any information or political agenda, and yet this puts us in an absolute historical validity.
Are you talking about the Mapuche or Qom? Are they on the Riviera? "On the outskirts of Rosario? "In suburban Buenos Aires? Are English they go? General Roca is it? Is it an American news czar, which is buying new ranches in Patagonia?
all happens. Everything is still happening. And maybe we could report it. And maybe we could discuss it. If we were not shot by the news.
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