Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Secure Live Rock

Present and Future

(Bullet Kalvellido)

The purpose is clear: to convert young people docile, well trained to submission and order.

overwhelm the youth is a win and getting it done without you know it is an eternal victory.

entertain trivial issues, bomb, exercise all the violence.

make them cannon fodder, useful servants. Dehydrate

their consciences, confused until exhaustion.

talk about the spirit, success, free beat to live the delusion of not seeing the factory where they are exploited, not to see unemployment than sinking into poverty, not to see the rope that binds them. Boycott

joy with renditions, with drugs, scams, with fights, with havens that do not exist if not conquered.

Bodies to make them grown in the shadow of ignorance, unable to see the blood that explodes in the veins of the earth, devoid of solidarity, blind to the brutality, castrated of love, tenderness and rage. Make

beings illiterate youth revolution will, in future, the last defeat.

Silvia Delgado Fuentes

vis pacem If

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