A specter is haunting the intellectual Kirchner. PO is the ghost ... Answering a second public letter attacking Norberto Galasso political independence of workers.
By Jorge Altamira.
response to the second public letter to Jorge Altamira Norberto Galasso released on January 15, 2011.
Norberto Galasso closes its 'second letter to Altamira' with a poignant message: "I salute you by repeating your slogan: Judgement and punish all those responsible for the death of Mariano Ferreyra! Off street gangs of the railroads and the unions which still exist! "
Not every reader will note, however, the double deception of this" happy end "national and popular. On one side the moral fraud - because I do not speak in my text of "death" of Mariano but his "murder" conditions and also because the removal of street gangs to "unions that still exist." Galasso misrepresents my text.
"My motto" nothing says "Down with the covenant CFK-Pedraza, was the gang of the railroads and the unions."
The agreement in question has as protagonists the government, bureaucracy and business friends in the railway management, including strategic Belgrano Cargas, which depends heavily on the future of the soybean row. Pedraza bureaucracy is involved in the murder of Marian, so that there can be no "trial and punishment of all guilty" if the government does not proceed to expel the bureaucracy of the railway management agreement and liquidate itself by taking the integral management.
The union street gangs or other non-government are, on the other hand, a hindrance in termination, as well Galasso know, the Fernandez-Capaccioli mob that attacked the French Hospital workers, or that of Fernandez 'Horse' Suarez attacked the Casino, or the cast of the government of Santa Cruz, the gang of UOCRA, that batters teachers, state and commercial workers, the police killing peasants Insfrán Qom. 'Horse' Smith has been honored for their tasks, by the government, a semi-state shipping company.
With a corporate bureaucracy and nationalization is very difficult for unions to be a defensive weapon of the workers or a training school for their class consciousness, in fact meets the strategic role of handcuffing the action of the working class and make unions as a wheel support of the capitalist state.
What Galasso as "remains" or, as elsewhere, "are trace elements, which not only dominates the trade unions but has been throughout history a gangrene of the whole labor movement. That
Galasso dares to tamper with my expressions above written, defines the style accommodating his 'letter' to the ruling (which of course never came directly but through the extensive media network kirchnerismo, ie the state in the network). Galasso
joins the adulteration of our concepts with an injury to gauge, because referring to the assassination of Trotsky, he asks, "how will you split the brain?".
This, just weeks after the bureaucracy Ramon Mercader murdered Mariano Ferreyra and tried the same with Elsa Rodriguez and two other companions. With that statement, Galasso has been covered with a sea of \u200b\u200bcrap, because while he supported the government isabeliano three A's ("to deepen a process of change for Latin American unification" with the same words used to refer to that now supports), we were among the victims, abducted and murdered by the Triple A.
Galasso The political trick starts another lifeline, beyond these fakes and provocation. Very good your slogan, Altamira, but not divulge, Keep it secret, do not sing it to Tenenbaum, or Julie Blank, or Cárpena. Do not go to Mirta, where the couple made their debut presidential K less to Grondona, in which the 'Chinese' Navarro, Ultra K, is paid to audience, less so for Morales Solá the favorite gathering an infinite range of officials and pimps Ks. Beyond that none of these have been asked, those who did (more for less, political code) had, in the blocks prior or subsequent to mine, a famous K, as the governor Capitanich (which in previous compadrear with Van der Kooy on the fate of Nuls) or Ricardo Forster, who like a good philosopher denounced the expulsion of peasants from their land santiagueños without saying, even once, the name of Governor Kirchner, Zamora.
Galasso says, shamelessly, that this, or visit the K-channels 'destituyentes' is fine, because these characters "will be straight" to their hosts, forgetting that he himself says he would not go "for mental hygiene." If for the Chinese Galasso can hobnob with Grondona, the caller without any hesitation "doctor", overwhelmed by the luxury treatment you receive from Grondona, the charge that we, with the assistance programs 'opposition' would be legitimizing supposedly independent journalism, is a lie. A
everywhere we go with our positions, the same by which the National Committee PO was arrested, enterito under Alfonsin, and I myself was arrested at the Casa Rosada. A report of the Nation last November, the first since the one we did in April 1989, we reached this enemy of the cigarette to proclaim that you do the game to the Mitre. Some articles in The Press (formerly published in Prensa Obrera, which is extracted from Prensa Obrera, and many blogs), not the crime of official gang but on the international capitalist crisis, are also subject to censorship, we should then stop draw our own publications. Galasso
we want to put a muzzle-provided, of course, as a "friendly warning". The only ones who may appear "in the press of the right" are the Kirchner. Galasso, however, ignores a detail: the official media do not invite us. They attack us before we can be replicated. They are the epitome of political cowardice.
The champions of the democratization of the word we encroach on that word.
Last week, National radio read entire Córdoba, the first letter of Galasso, but he would not with our own, until he was forced by the repeated demands of the listeners. This is the media law and K. Galasso The muzzle the PO and the Fourth International and anyone with a combative position politically independent. A state official media dare not discuss, challenge, or confront, on a level playing field, with a militant or popular party, is reduced confessed to a clique of pimps.
The basic charge Galasso's letter as the previous one, is a threat ("Stop fooling around ..."), against the government of the type that makes Pedraza. Galasso had to learn, he says, by his friends in coffee Kornilov (the general who launched a coup to drown in blood the Russian Revolution) is a Russian striker, but could be in Belarus or Bulgaria. If your friends, however, would have spoken of the Argentina team, he would have learned that Carlitos Tevez shot a video to support the struggle of the PO by Mariano, which was passed in the Plaza de Mayo and several channels, but none should be been official. Tevez Galasso did something that neither would have thought: put the body in a popular struggle.
Jauretche was right when he said that to characterize the first government of Peron, the failure to nationalize the Chade (whose electric service contract had been extended for half a century by a radical-majority city council in 1938) was secondary - but illustrated the dependence of the Peronist government of European capital, with much of the nationalization of Perón were worked out by the Foreign Office and Lord Keynes. But Galasso is wrong to say the same for the crime of gang of Pedraza, who is not considered "principal contradiction" of the political situation. Yes it is, it claims a power structure that is indispensable basis to the union bureaucracy and regimentation of the proletariat. For an essentially socialist, because it is the class independence of the working class, the expulsion of the agents of the employers' organizations built by the workers. Otherwise, how do you plan Galasso support of the national bourgeoisie governments from a position, according to independent? Galasso's independent position is an understatement, the uses to quote better, returning to football, where the ruling party repo market.
The historically progressive nature of Peronism only has to do partly with nationalist or social action (hence the reference to Jauretche) is determined, fundamentally, it awakened to political life to the great mass of workers was out of the labor movement at the time, but he did his own methods - regimented or Bonapartist, and the creation of a nationalized union bureaucracy.
Perón was flipped by the Liberator to end the fighting role of workers to undertake adjustment plans that Perón himself had anticipated at the Congress of Productivity. The content bourgeois national movements capitulate to imperialism, from Chiang Kai sek to Peron when they lose or are losing control of workers, their ability to contain them. Since you quoted Trotsky, who was playing first at the time of Kornilov, I remember arguing that national oppression by imperialism exacerbated, not mitigated, the class struggle within the oppressed nation (I quote from memory a text on China, without quotation marks), or the fate of the struggle against imperialism depends on the ability of independent initiative of the exploited - not the subordination of these to the 'national movement'. For the working class can play a decisive role in national struggles (and not be the scapegoat for the surrender and defeat) must occupy an independent position autonomous ultimately self-organize into a party, otherwise the sentence to stand caboose.
After the killing of Mariano, the government, but even more than he his scribes, were determined to blame for the crime of our party, because as a charlatan Argentine Time last week, breaking Pedraza mean, for government, causing its own destabilization. Ie CFK would be unable to rely on the railway workers, who increasingly vote against Pedraza, to neutralize the sabotage of the gang. Come up with the mob, then. For this very reason, this government does not break with Pedraza, apply the crime of extortion against our rail fellow struggling fundamental claims for the whole of the working class, which is outsourced by almost 40%.
Minister 'progressive' Security, it did amount to a disastrous head of Intelligence Battalion 601, orders are imputed to these workers the crime of extortion - an attack on the labor law claim and a cover of extortion of the Ministry of Labour (see Garzón Maceda, an adviser to the union bureaucracy, in Clarín). Why not investigate the role of Pedraza in the excesses of the season Constitution, nor the rail lockouts dropped to release their 'prisoners'.
The shock which created the crime against our fellow Mariano was not motivated by a bloody act committed against a young specimen, but for its political content again, as in 70, by the provision of bureaucracy to resort to murder to keep Acquiescing of trade unions to the employers and the State.
This need to preserve the union submission explains the continuity of the covenant-government gang-rail business, business beyond juicy. We, as socialists, oppose this fundamental contradiction as to the attempt of the bourgeoisie, and especially you, that the exploited must choose between one of the sides of their class enemies. According
Galasso, my statement to The Nation, that "it is false that the country is faced with a choice of right-wing opposition Kirchner" (Quote transcribe Galasso, without taking care to verify their authenticity), it would be the position of 'Mitrismo'. It's the opposite: anti-K and K (and you) claim that the main event happens between them, left and working class struggle should be limited to balconies.
Galasso, as you know by heart: the differences between K and its opponents are not of principle but of degree - and not in all cases to lead the government! -. Defend private ownership of the means of production, monopoly capitalism and international order is the product of that monopoly capitalism. What did you write in your journal when Argentina recently participated in operations Southern Command to 'protect' the Panama Canal, in which participated not only Venezuela and Bolivia? Because you know that all this goes against Chávez and even Ortega, or against the Latin American nationalism, even want to create a separate canal through Nicaragua. Hides it, surely. CFK
with imperialism against the national movement in Latin America, do not you raise your eyebrow done? Why not ask me to censor this complaint to the government not to affect K? This is not Chad, this defines as a pro-imperialist government.
And the antiterrorism law, agreed with the CIA? This is the government of the northeastern mining destroy, kill and loot Andalgalá cancer in Argentina. The oil company, of Cargill, the UIA, the loan sharks who profit from the debt they are buying in droves. "You saw, Galasso, ever, plots of big business (which are the ones that matter), while the price of the country's debt rises to three digits?
international financial capital is voting with their dollars by CFK Did you know, Galasso, the governments of Mercosur signed a free trade agreement with Israel, which already has led to the purchase of Brazilian military companies by U.S. capital-Zionists? Viva Lula, who made Brazil a paradise of national and international capital. Come to this national cause. Let the victory in the first round! Sacrifice the possibility of an electoral development of a social force that relies on the independence struggle of the working class, juguémonos for re-election of one of the variants of finance capital!
course, Galasso, we're not in 1917, the opposite is to hold you, you're a sensationalist as when you say that the world is played in October. We have a more measured approach: developing an alternative socialist politics.
I will ask for advice, Galasso, although I know not what you give me because yours is the last letter, what we do in Catamarca advised that next March, voting for the officer's pants octopus miners, the radical Brizuela, or do you saw the skirts, Corpacci, so that control of K-Waters YMAD Dionisio, to convert the La Alumbrera, in the process of exhaustion, for the benefit of Agua Rica, creating and an octopus destroyer of glaciers, public-private, super-exploited workers and taking all the loot abroad?
Do you think we should vote for one of the two candidates slave labor in the olive groves and vineyards of Catamarca? We, humbly, we have already met in the 2009 national, the necessary votes for one or two provincial legislators. Is not it better that we try, in March, get those legislators, presenting a united front of struggle against imperialist octopus defense of Argentina, Catamarca and two national slogans if any? You see, your kirchnerismo Beretta deadly for national cause.
I send another: Cristina in the first round - Scioli also assume that if you do not win the Jedi. Sabatella not want it, and would have enough votes to lose to De Narváez Scioli. "Cristina to Rosada, the red to La Plata? Even your Chinese friend makes Scioli disgust, which the interviewers assigned a pivotal role in the reelection of CFK, and conditions to support a vice Evita go, again, are functional to De Narváez? Perhaps this is the plan of disinformer Verbitsky, because as you remember, the red opponent was one of the first guests of the K when, in the late 90's, put together the group Calafate.
Cristina, on the other hand, could not be re-elected in 2015 - the successors are the soy Urtubey, biofuel Alperovich, mining Gioja, or the landowner bonaerenese Scioli? Witnessing a process of decomposition called the Front for Victory must offer a way out. By the way, do you remember of your contempt for the class struggle in the 'letter' and your previous magnification of the unfavorable balance of forces? Well, while you dumb to conceal Pedraza, unleashing a revolution that threatens to sweep all the Maghreb degenerate nationalist governments, supported, either, by the French and American imperialism. Of course, do not rush, already said the general, but let us sharpen the weapons, developing an independent political force of workers, socialist revolutionary.
trial and punishment of all responsible for the killing of Mariano. CFK-down pact Pedraza-UGOFE. Effective nationalization of the railroads under the control of the workers organized a union truly independent. Develop a working class political power and socialist revolutionary. Jorge
Altamira18 January 2011.
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