For Santiago Joaquin Garcia.
always in the opposite
staple Another issue is the problem of sewage. After facing tightening, bribes, threats, indifference, lies and other delays, the Barrio San Vicente seems closer to the beginning of the dream casing Arroyo de las Animas. They had to claim a thousand ways, the basic human right to live in dignity. But local and provincial officials do not have the same priorities. When a company of highly concentrated as 3 Brooks, or condemned as a thief without Miguel Marizza need a "favor", the thing is resolved in a matter of hours, such as Mega Tourism Project or eviction in Santa Elena. Thousands of people exposed to diseases of all kinds, and a city in a health emergency or implied, must wait their turn.
A democratic space
Amid so many fronts of struggle, different stakeholders, organizations and individuals autoconvocados found a space that includes them. The Multisectoral Uruguayense was built to "tackle corruption, and fighting for the priority works to solve the needs of uruguayenses." Like all plural faces breakaway attempts, and has the dynamics of the areas where direct democracy is tested. But do not hesitate to address the delivery of the Terminal Market, the Bridge of the hundred millions to the Island of Puerto, layoffs, Talita Landfill, pollution, repression, and so on. Organized demonstrations, symbolic hugs, and continues to plan efforts to tackle corruption.
Standing and running
Most importantly, is that despite the threats of the shock troops of the ruling, continues to feed the claims of the residents of the most diverse neighborhoods in the city, who make known their needs and choose the Multisectoral as a valid interlocutor, in the indifference of officials on duty. The big challenge is to survive the shocks of this election year has begun, and continue to grow in its summons. Missing many independent neighbors, organizations and political parties, so that the space is strengthened. Some intellectuals and representatives of the left bar, burst into their contradictions because Lauritto and Bisogni are those who exercise power in the city Kirchner. You might also will open doors, but I fear that will continue "keeping silent too close to stupidity."
Despite attempts by the ruling party, its allies and the silence of many media, the Multisectoral is still planting to the fundamental problems of uruguayenses.
One unforgettable songs that left the recently deceased María Elena Walsh, is "upside down kingdom." In Concepción del Uruguay, where "a thief is a policeman and another judge," things happen that cause unusual not stop a lot of anger and indignation. First of all, the lack of responses to the most basic needs. Listen again promises Federik, probably under pressure or Bisogno Lauritto / Scelzista, stating that it will open the financial bids of the Water Master Plan. Last summer, in the seven days that shook the town uruguayense (due to lack of supply half the town), made sure that the work began in the year he left. And now added the guilt of waste. Irresponsibility is real, but provide water to the city, clearly not a priority for officials on duty. In 2010 it spent talking of opening envelopes and red tape. But the negotiated out as a tube, whether "loose papers."
always in the opposite
staple Another issue is the problem of sewage. After facing tightening, bribes, threats, indifference, lies and other delays, the Barrio San Vicente seems closer to the beginning of the dream casing Arroyo de las Animas. They had to claim a thousand ways, the basic human right to live in dignity. But local and provincial officials do not have the same priorities. When a company of highly concentrated as 3 Brooks, or condemned as a thief without Miguel Marizza need a "favor", the thing is resolved in a matter of hours, such as Mega Tourism Project or eviction in Santa Elena. Thousands of people exposed to diseases of all kinds, and a city in a health emergency or implied, must wait their turn.
A democratic space
Amid so many fronts of struggle, different stakeholders, organizations and individuals autoconvocados found a space that includes them. The Multisectoral Uruguayense was built to "tackle corruption, and fighting for the priority works to solve the needs of uruguayenses." Like all plural faces breakaway attempts, and has the dynamics of the areas where direct democracy is tested. But do not hesitate to address the delivery of the Terminal Market, the Bridge of the hundred millions to the Island of Puerto, layoffs, Talita Landfill, pollution, repression, and so on. Organized demonstrations, symbolic hugs, and continues to plan efforts to tackle corruption.
Standing and running
Most importantly, is that despite the threats of the shock troops of the ruling, continues to feed the claims of the residents of the most diverse neighborhoods in the city, who make known their needs and choose the Multisectoral as a valid interlocutor, in the indifference of officials on duty. The big challenge is to survive the shocks of this election year has begun, and continue to grow in its summons. Missing many independent neighbors, organizations and political parties, so that the space is strengthened. Some intellectuals and representatives of the left bar, burst into their contradictions because Lauritto and Bisogni are those who exercise power in the city Kirchner. You might also will open doors, but I fear that will continue "keeping silent too close to stupidity."
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