Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brasilian Wax Results

Recordings lack of preparedness of 911 emergency service

(Guardians of the order playing naval war while doing their duty)

recordings that confirm the lack agreed AN up service 911.

The launch of the 911 emergency service by the government of Chaco generated different assessments. The authorities say the issue is working and that the new system until there are fewer people deceived by their partners. Other sectors, however, argue that the service lacks organization and professionalism.

In a recent report, the Center for Nelson Mandela said, "for example, that operators receive telephone calls reporting medical emergencies maintain a police or terrible coordination with the patrolmen assigned to the device, so a procedure that should run in five minutes you can reach in forty materialize.

Is that so? Or the Great Resistance (the area where the service was implemented) the 911 Funca so well that Spiderman would be here so the fart to commit suicide Raid throwing the mug?

To clarify the question, AN obtained recordings of 911 calls made in the first five days after the clearance of the line. These records are the following dialogues. Observed in some cases, indeed, there are staff who are not ready, but also others in which the public sample to rise to the occasion.

CASE 1 - 911 service, good night.

- (very agitated voice) Lord ... M. ... please send someone ... There is a gang that is coming to every house in the neighborhood ... break the doors with clubs ... then heard screams and gunshots ... Desperate cries are heard, sir!

- Please tell me where this is happening.

- (we hear screaming and noises) in Barrio Juan Bautista Alberdi.

- Whew, thank goodness, are away then.

CASE 2 - Service 911, good morning.

- Good morning. Look, here in the street at 800 Sebastian El Cano is a madman who came up with a gun and shooting at people passing by on a motorcycle.

- I repeat the name of the street?

- Sebastian El Cano.

- Agarrámela hand! Jio jio jioooooo


- Hello.

- 911 Service?

- Sé

- Please come, I have 82 years, live alone and there are two subjects breaking my back door to enter! Have knives!

- Madam, do you realize that it is three thirty in the morning?

CASE 4 - 911 service, good night.

- Hello, I speak of America in 1047, because my cat went to heaven that I have front and there is no downloading.

- sorry but it is an issue requiring a decision by the 911.

- Look, I have a pizzeria, eh.

- What color is the cat?

Case 5 - 911 service, good night.

- Hello. Hey, look, I have this problem: PIG sent to 2020 and not sent me any pictures or anything like that promised in the ad on TV.

- Look, here we all felt the same. Command resale to 8008.

- Ah, ok, thanks.

- Sure.

CASE 6 - Service 911, good day.

- Lord, I need to please come, we discussed with my husband is crazy, is breaking all, I'm locked in the bathroom I do not burst.

- Sure, you married a warm, quiet to catch without their parents' control, and then we ended up paying the price are we, right?

CASE 7 - 911 service, good afternoon.

- (Voice deliberately distorted) I stole the bike out yesterday González, of the Eighth.

- What, you say?

- Hehe, nice try, but I will not give them talk for 30 seconds so they can track from what I'm doing the pay phone call. Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu ...

CASE 8 - Service 911, good night.

- (voice choked with tears) I do not give more ... I no more ... I'm going to kill me.

- Lord, calm down. Do not do, think. Look, could go to jail, eh.

CASE 9 - Service 911, good day.

- Hello, I call it here in Franklin Frondizi and collided with a motorcycle and the guy is lying.

- Ah, yes, in that corner and we have like three accidents per day.

- Mandan and someone?

- No, we're going to the afternoon as well and do the actions for the accident and two together.


- 911 service, good night.

- Please do something, and go three times calling because there are three criminals breaking into my house!

- But you're fucking or what you can not go out and you cagarlos pineapples?

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